Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Should Polygyamy be against the Law Research Paper
Should Polygyamy be against the Law - Research Paper Example This paper explores the legality of polygamy marriages, and whether the practice, should be tolerated in the society. History of Polygamy in the American society Gibson (2006) avers polygamy practices have formed a significant part of the American culture for almost three centuries. The practice is believed to have started among the ancient participants of the Church, which at the time was being led by Joseph Smith, who helped found the ministry in the early 1800s. Historians consider that Church adherents started polygamy around 1835 (Bradley, Saunders & William, 2005. The practice was initially shrouded in secrecy, before it became widespread in the society immediately after. Decades after the killing of Smith in late 1880s, the second in command of the ministry, Brigham Young, started speaking publicly about the practice during the mid-1850s. Nevertheless, participation was technically restricted by strong cultural norms, with less than a fifth of the church adherents engaging in the practice during its climax years of the 1850s (Ross, 2011). In early 1862, Congress ratified the initial of several legislations systematically geared at bringing to an end the trend by outlawing polygamy. These developments dealt the church a major financial blow, and even denying women of their voting rights in Utah. Almost two decades later, an adherent of the ministry challenged the legality of anti-polygamy legislations on religious justifications; however, the Supreme Court maintained that the unconstitutionality of polygamy was beyond doubt, and that the various government agencies could work to limit religious rights and privileges of the adherents. The congressional decrees were largely effective in terminating polygamy. This forced the Church to abandon the clamor for polygamy practices on September 25, 1890. At the same time, Church President Wilford Woodruff made public a formal statement referred to as â€Å"the Manifesto†(Bradley, Saunders & William, 2005). In 1894, Congress approved the Utah Enabling Act, which allowed Utah to begin processes aimed at acquiring the position of statehood, based upon the government constitution providing for an irrevocable decree outlawing polygamy. United States Congress approved Utah statehood two years later, a development that led to the implementation of the state constitution, which permanently outlawed polygamy practices within its jurisdiction. Additionally, polygamy was also classified as a crime by decree. After â€Å"the Manifesto,†was made public, the religious group stopped polygamy practices and started to detach polygamists from its flock. Eventually, religious factions resented the new development leading to the formation of â€Å"Fundamentalists†groups (Groleau, 2008). Bradley, Saunders and William (2005) indicate fundamentalists backed away to remote communities in an attempt to shun what they believed to be mass maltreatment. Since then, the state authorities have car ried out episodic mass apprehending and questionings on communities practicing polygamy. For instance, mass apprehending was implemented in 1935, and during the end of World War II. Arizona on its part carried out the largest crackdown yet on the community in 1953 (Cole, 2011). Although, the infamous Short Creek Raid led to the apprehending and arraignment
Monday, October 28, 2019
Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay Example for Free
Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay Anything people have made could be called technology, but usually people think of advances in using scientific knowledge and applying it to a practical use, like creating photovoltaic cells or wind turbines. Technology interested in examples of a specific technology in use, such as the internet or Decision Support Systems. Technology can solve most of our problems and everything which we are using in our live for example: radio, television, computers, internet, mobile phone, and These are called technology. We use technology in different places too for example: at home, in offices, business, shops, or so on. Different people give Different people will give it different meaning depending on their viewpoint and context. The role and impacts of technology in both our personal and lives are ever growing. Technology is about taking action to meet a human need rather than merely understanding the workings of the natural world. We can define Technology like this: A body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials; the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problems called Technology. Aim: In this study I am going to tell about the life of John: John is a engineer and he is 52 years old he has 22 years experience and he is a businessman and he use different technologies for his work and for his life he use the following technologies: E mail Mobile Phone Laptop Computer And also I am writing about the life of John which how does the technology affect on his life and how this technology change his life, because John said that 20 years ago I have not any Mobile Phone, e-mail address and Software, which I have now, and he said that since 5 years the technology has changed my life and I can not do my works without these technologies. E-mail introduction: E-mail, short for electronic mail, is a system in which a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users using a communications network. To use e-mail, you must have access to a computer that is linked to the outside world, via a modem, phone line, or fiber optic cable (Ethernet). Sending e-mail is similar to sending postal mail, with some very important differences: 1. E-mail is thousands of times faster. A message can go from Illinois to Australia in seconds! 2. E-mail is free on campus-there is no postage cost to students. 3. E-mail is not as private as a regular letter. 4. E-mail does involve learning how to use computer programs. 5. Also, E-mail requires us to have a sign-on to the electronic mail system, and this usually involves having a password, too. 6. E-mail can be sent to many people at the same time, and you can participate in on-going discussions on many subjects at the same time. 7. E-mail can access information and file libraries, well send a message and get a document or pictures back within minutes. 8. E-mail often contains typos and misspellings because it is so easy to produce and send. How/why he uses E-mail personally? John uses e-mail to send his report to the company that he is working for at the time and to send or receive photographs over the internet. Sending reports over the internet saves a lot of time and is an easier method of communicating than through the post. Before he got the internet he used the post to send the report to the company. He use the internet to inform his partners, and when he fine an offer he can send an e-mail to all of his colleague to inform those and some times he sent some maps of homes from his own e-mail to other colleague, and also he use e-mail to sent some photos and videos too, and he said: that I am not always use my e-mail to my own work I use my email for enjoying and sending messages for my Childs, wife, friends and to my families too. What is the advantages/disadvantage of e-mail? John said that E-mail Advertising, as effective as it is has both advantages and disadvantages. It is useful to be well aware of both sides of the coin as one embarks on the use of e-mail for their marketing and advertising, and he is also that the good news is that the advantages of e-mail advertising are numerous and far outweigh the few disadvantages. The advantages of e-mail which effect on his life these are in the following: 1. Its faster. He received email almost immediately after it is send, usually within minutes. 2. Its more conversational. Because of its immediacy, a whole series of e-mail messages maybe he exchanged within a very short time. As a result, email messages tend to be less formal and they are also usually shorter and more to the point. 3. Because e-mail is so new, he has no hard and fast rules about what may be said in a message. These rules are evolving because of his increased use of email, as well as the advent of new technology that continually affects how he applies it. And he also said that e-mail does not have just advantages it has disadvantages too, now I am writing about the disadvantages of e-mail which effect on John life: 1. As he has seen, one of the biggest disadvantages of email is the capability for misunderstanding. Email has some other disadvantages as well. It can be used to talk to more than one person at a time, but the means for doing so can be a bit cumbersome. At its core, email is a one to one communication medium. Email requires active participation, and he has to check his email to get messages. If he does not check his email, he will never know that somebody has contacted him. 2. Too much e-mail can lead to management problems with his in-box being overwhelmed by mail. 3. Due to its informal nature it is easy to his to ignore-unlike communication on the telephone or mail. Which things E-mail contain? * Inbox: An area in his mail memory that holds received messages that have not been read or processed. * Drafts: When he saved some documents in his e-mail address, the files and documents which he saved before he can find in Drafts. * Sent: The mails which he sent this sent item will tell him which files, letters, documents and images he sent. * Spam: Internet spam is one or more unsolicited messages, sent or posted as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantially identical content. * Trash: rubbish and worthless material that is to be disposed of. * Contacts: All his friends, families, workers and someone else that John knows them he can save all his e-mail address in contact and then can see their emails easily and early when he wants. * Calendar: We all know about meaning of Calendar, calendar is a system of organizing days for a socially, religious, commercially, or administratively useful purpose. * Notepad: Some important sentences that John want to save them Notepad is the place that he can save them all their. If John didnt have E-mail, how would it affect his job? John said: if I didnt have e-mail address then I would lose my business, because I have lots of workers in my business I can see every one and telling all of them about their jobs, so the easiest way for me is that I am sending all of them and receiving the responses of them, and also by using my mail I can sent some maps and places and directions for my workers, and I am informing them, also I am using my mails to sent and receives from my family, and friends too. Mobile Phone Introduction: A Mobile Phone (also known as a Cellular Telephone) is defined as a portable electronic device for the purpose of telecommunications over long distances. Most current mobile phones actually connect to a cellular network of base stations (the cell sites themselves) which overlap to yield coverage and which also link to the standard landline public switched telephone network. It should be noted that mobile phones are distinct from household cordless telephones which generally operate only within range of a dedicated base station (though the distinction is blurring with mobile phones that can link via Bluetooth to a home internet base station). It should be noted, however, that the term mobile phone can refer to any type of mobile telephony device and also includes satellite phones and radio phones. Most phones has camera which we can take photos, and record some videos too. How/why he uses Mobile Phone? John use mobile phones to be connect with his family, children, and wife and with his friends. And he uses his mobile phone in office and to his business to inform his workers and to be in touch with the peoples which he works. He also uses mobile phone to send videos, photos, messages for every body which he wants. He uses different things that his mobile contain and the following things his mobile phones contain: Messages, Contact, Alarm, Calendar, Fun box, Reminder, Call register, Tones, Profiles, Calculator. He uses Messages to send document and messages for his family, friend, wife and sons. He uses Alarm to wake up morning early for his job. And the calendar which his Mobile Phone contain he known that what date is today and which day is today. And his mobile phone has reminder to remind him sometimes which he forgot some works. And some times the times which he filling board he is going to Games which it mobile has and Playing some games, and his mobile phone has internet too that he can go too internet and see his mails and another things which we can do it on internet and he said that I am glad and I am filling too good cause I can solve my lots of problems with using the mobile phone. What are advantages/disadvantages of mobile phone when he use? Advantages of using mobile phone: 1. He can take it with him whom he didnt miss important calls. 2. He doesnt have telemarketers bugging him at dinner time. 3. If he has car trouble or an accident he can call for emergencies. 4. He can take the pictures of accident or any things else by his mobile phones. 5. If he is finding for somewhere he can call for directions. 6. If he goes to store and wants to buy something he can use his mobile phone for more details or for more information. 7. He can use his mobile phone to see his mails and some sides. 8. With integrated phones and their features, making his life much easier no matter what kind a profession or age a person is. 9. Mobile phone doesnt have to call, he uses his mobile phone for the following things too: camera, music player, features, emailing, document editor and so on. Disadvantage of using mobile phone: 1. John said: I had an accident, because when I was derived I talked with my wife. 2. Most of time he missed lots of important calls when he forgot his mobile somewhere. 3. His mobile phone need charges for using it, therefore this is very boring and sad for John to charge it every day. 4. When John has some meeting often his mobile phone disturbs him during his works. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John has got a new version of mobile phone called (Nokia N95), which is the most technically advanced smart phone ever! Complete with satellite navigation, a 5 mega pixel camera with auto focus, 3G video calling, with 8 GB chip, that his Nokia N95 contain. And the following things which his mobile phone includes they are most likely to fulfilling his personal needs. Some times John is recording with his phone everywhere and anything which he wants and can get images too. The Nokia N95 has almost everything else he could use them to fulfilling his needs: * Music Player with support for all common music formats. * A stereo FM radio. * Integrated hands free speaker. * Speaker independent voice dialing. * Talking ring tones. * HSDPA (the fast data transfer technology dubbed 3.5G). How good is it at fulfilling his social needs? John use his mobile phone to be always in touch with his friends, workers, families, and businessmen and another ways to develop social and communication called text which he uses most of times. Texting is particularly important in maintaining contact with a wide social network allows him to maintain social bonds even when he do not have the time, energy, inclination or budget for calls or visits. Texting re-creates the brief, frequent, spontaneous connections with members of our social network that characterized the small communities of pre industrial times. And also John hasnt always thinks about himself but he is helping people too and sometimes he teach some students in universities too for helping and some people calling him to solve their problems, and this is the easiest way for him to talk with lots of people without meets them. One of the most dangerous of mobile phone is that when he is driving some times he picked up phone and it can cause accident which he did before. How does John use mobile phone at work? Often John uses his mobile phone to be in touch with his family, friends he is not using his mobile phone at office, but he has an office phone which is called handheld mobile phone. And handheld mobile phone is working same like mobile phone but it doesnt need any chip just he connected his handheld mobile phone on socket which needs electricity and he has three of these. And this handheld mobile phone is cheaper than mobile phone when he called somewhere and John is saying that he made me too much busy therefore I cant do my works clearly and with good mind. He is using his mobile phone at office too, because some times handheld mobile phone is busy, then he uses he mobile phone he wants, and this is the biggest advantages of mobile phone. John said: when I have bought mobile phone I filled too much comfortable, and my business also day by day increasing and I have got too much money. Laptop Computer Introduction: I am writing a brief introduction about laptop computer and the kind of things which most of laptop computer (note books) contain: A laptop is a portable personal computer that is of a size that it can sit on our lap. Or we can define it like this: Laptop (or notebook PC) is a portable computer that can be battery or mains powered. They provide flexibility beyond the standard PC but often at a significant price premium. Laptop and desktop have big different and both of them are mixture words. Laptop means we sit it on our lap, and desktop means we sit it on desk. Laptop contains the following major features: * Keyboard: Keyboard layout is often sacrificed. The home, End, Page- Up and Page Down keys may not be dedicated, requiring that we hold down the Fn key at the same time. This can be very cumbersome if we use these keys a lot. Function keys and cursor keys are often made smaller, and one keyboard feels better than another. * Screen Resolution: Today, laptops use high-quality active matrix LCD screens. However, the built-in display system also feeds an external monitor for desktop use or a data projector. * External Display keyboard Connectors: Connect a full-size CRT and keyboard for home/office. Even if we like our laptop keyboard, we may want to use an external one with our external monitor, so that both units are positioned comfortably. A full-size keyboard can be connected through the external keyboard port or USB port. * Built-in Pointing Device: Either a touchpad or pointing stick is built into the laptop. There are differences. A regular mouse is always an option and connects via the mouse port or USB port. * Expansion: Expansion is a little more critical with laptops than with desktops that have extra bus slots and drive bays. However, nowadays laptops all have PC Card (PCMCIA) slots and USB ports, making them very flexible. * Batteries: Lithium ion batteries do not suffer from the memory- effect of older nickel cadmium, and to a slightly lesser extent, nickel metal hydride. * Multimedia: All laptops today have built-in speakers and generally include an optical drive (CD-RW, DVD-ROM or DVD-RW). DVD drives typically support all CD read and write modes as well. A removable drive offers more flexibility for upgrading later. * Weight: Seven pounds does not sound like much until we lug it around all day. To reduce poundage. Sub notebooks use external floppy. CD and DVD drives. One of the first time laptop in 1983, Tandys Radio Shack division launched the Model 100 micro Executive Workstation. It weighed only four pounds and included a built-in word processor, name and address list and modem. The Model 100 was inspiration for the huge portable market that followed. Laptop computers generally cost more than desktop computers with the same capabilities because they are more difficult to design and manufacture. A laptop can effectively be turned into a desktop computer with a docking station, a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral input/output devices such as a printer or larger monitor. Laptop usually comes with displays that use thin-screen technology. The thin film transistor or active matrix screen is brighter and views better at different angles than the STN or dual-scan screen. Laptops use several different approaches for integrating a mouse into the keyboard, including the touch pad, the trackball, and the pointing stick. A serial port also allows a regular mouse is attached. The PC Card is insertable hardware for adding a modem or network interface card to a laptop. CD-ROM and digital versatile disc drives may be built-in or attachable. How/why he uses laptop computer personally? After all, todays laptops have just as much computing power as desktops, without taking up as much space. He can take a laptop on the road with him to do his computing or make presentations. Perhaps he prefers comfortably working on his couch in front of the TV instead of sitting at a desk. A laptop is a full-blown, genuine computer that can do anything a desktop computer can do. John can do programming, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, accounting and multimedia presentations. The portability of laptops allows him to do many things that he cannot do with a desktop. He can write his sales proposal, article or business presentation while traveling on a plane or commuting on the bus or train or subway. What is Laptop computers memory? Laptops have memory, both RAM and ROM, just like desktops. The laptops ROM chip contains the BIOS just as it does in a desktop computer. RAM stores the application software and data files while the computer is on. RAM differs on a laptop in that it uses a different form facto that is, the size and shape of the modules that carry the RAM. Manufacturers have to build laptops to be portable (smaller) and to withstand more jostling (durable) than a desktop would ever get, so the memory modules have to be different. While some laptops use a standard Small Outland Dual Inline Memory Module (SODIMM), others use the manufacturers proprietary memory modules. Most laptops should have at least 64 MB of RAM to have sufficient memory to run operating systems and applications software. Also, some laptops allow him to upgrade the memory of his computer and come equipped with convenient access panels to plug in additional memory chips. What is Laptop computers Disk Drives? Like desktop, laptops have various disk drive storage devices. All laptops have an internal hard disk drive, usually 6 to 20 gigabytes (GB). The hard disk drive stores operating systems, application programs and data files. Although the hard disk drive works the same in a laptop as it does in a desktop, laptops generally have less disk space than desktops and he will have fewer choices for hard disk drives in laptop. The smaller hard disk space is one of the chief limitations of laptops. What are the advantages of laptop when john uses? John think when one thinks of laptops there are a few immediate advantages that come to mind. From John readings and personal experience these revolve around some of the following points: * The flexibility and mobility of laptops increases access time. * They tend to be lightweight-thus mobile. * Can easily be moved around the classroom. * Give you the option of being wireless. * Being able to have them in class away from a lab setting time management factor * Portable on field trips. * One can get instant access to information (wireless or internet connected laptops) * Access in class to multiple online resources, search engines, encyclopedias and discussion groups * Participate in virtual communities. * Ability to communicate and research at multiple levels. * Digital brainstorming, outlining and presentations can be generated within classroom walls. * Note taking, webbing which then can be shared immediately. * ; Data processing, analysis; incorporating online databases and spreadsheets. * Student with data processing can immediately check their results and develop immediate in class analysis. * It works 2 3 hours without any electricity. * It is small and has low density and can everybody bring whit themselves. * Greater ability to share, communicate and access students files or vice versa teacher assignments. * Ability to display and demonstrate leaning using a TV monitor or projector in office, or class accessing. * And our laptops have games too, which in bored time we can play their. What are the Disadvantages of laptop? * Laptops are more expensive * Slower than a desktop * Difficult to upgrade or repair * John has to lug it around all day * Much easier to drop or break * It can be easily stolen * If he speed his type the laptop will probably rock on his laptop with his typing which can become quite uncomfortable. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John recommends that laptop users carry out prolonged task with their machine set up on a desk, with an external keyboard a mouse attached. This allows them to adopt a much safer posture, rather than the position a laptop forces them into. John said: having a laptop means that I can work just about anywhere, and he also said: If I go away for the weekend, I can take my work with me, and even do some of it on the train. He uses his laptop computer to see connect it with TV and see some movies, songs, BBC and so on. What is John opinion about laptop using? John said: The use of laptop or notebook computer is widespread and many people use them regularly as part of the work process. Where a laptop is used regularly by people as a significant part of their day-to- day work, then these regulations will apply. In many cases employers will use the one-hour rule i.e. if a laptop is used continually for one hour or more than the employee will be classified as a user. There are three main categories of risk associated with laptop use: 1. Equipment design 2. The environment that they are to be used in. 3. Physical demands upon the use.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Crime Zones :: essays research papers
Crime Zones and Reasoning (Poverty, Race, Social Class)      Sociology is a branch of the social sciences that attempts to help us understand society and how people interact. As with many other social sciences, sociology employs theories to help understand why people make certain decisions. Theories that help us explain societal trends are usually segmented in order to accurately examine the specific dynamics of different sections of society. Communities, institutions, gender, race and population are a few popular examples of common segmentations utilized in social theories. Social structure theories, also called social change theories attempt to analyze the driving forces that change society. Sociologists who study social change use the study of both criminology and sociology to draw conclusions about criminal behavior. The overarching belief of criminology theory is that certain social structures support deviant behavior. The three main branches of social structure theories are the social disorganization theory, the socia l strain theory and the cultural deviance theory. How well have social structure theories explained delinquent behavior in society? In this paper, the major social structural theories will be defined and analyzed. Social Disorganization Theory: Concentric Zone Theory      The Centric Zone Theory was proposed by Shaw, and examined arrest rates in Chicago. It was during these years immigrants living in the inner city begin to relocate to the outskirts of the city. The purpose of their study was to conclude if delinquency was caused by particular immigrant groups or by the environment in which immigrants lived. Park and Burgess adopted the original concentric zone theory, and which separated Chicago into 5 distinct zones. Which were: 1. Central Business District 2. Transitional Zone 3. Working Class Zone 4. Residential Zone 5. Commuter Zone      The experiment reveled that arrest rates consistently remained high for Zone 2, the transitional zone. They ultimately concluded that delinquency rates are related with ecological environment in which a person or group dwells. Crime Zones :: essays research papers Crime Zones and Reasoning (Poverty, Race, Social Class)      Sociology is a branch of the social sciences that attempts to help us understand society and how people interact. As with many other social sciences, sociology employs theories to help understand why people make certain decisions. Theories that help us explain societal trends are usually segmented in order to accurately examine the specific dynamics of different sections of society. Communities, institutions, gender, race and population are a few popular examples of common segmentations utilized in social theories. Social structure theories, also called social change theories attempt to analyze the driving forces that change society. Sociologists who study social change use the study of both criminology and sociology to draw conclusions about criminal behavior. The overarching belief of criminology theory is that certain social structures support deviant behavior. The three main branches of social structure theories are the social disorganization theory, the socia l strain theory and the cultural deviance theory. How well have social structure theories explained delinquent behavior in society? In this paper, the major social structural theories will be defined and analyzed. Social Disorganization Theory: Concentric Zone Theory      The Centric Zone Theory was proposed by Shaw, and examined arrest rates in Chicago. It was during these years immigrants living in the inner city begin to relocate to the outskirts of the city. The purpose of their study was to conclude if delinquency was caused by particular immigrant groups or by the environment in which immigrants lived. Park and Burgess adopted the original concentric zone theory, and which separated Chicago into 5 distinct zones. Which were: 1. Central Business District 2. Transitional Zone 3. Working Class Zone 4. Residential Zone 5. Commuter Zone      The experiment reveled that arrest rates consistently remained high for Zone 2, the transitional zone. They ultimately concluded that delinquency rates are related with ecological environment in which a person or group dwells.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A unique Training Program at UPS
Mark Colvard, a United Parcel Manager in San Ramon, California, recently faced a difficult decision. One of his drivers asked for 2 week off to help an ailing family member.But company rules said this driver wasn’t eligible. If Colvard went by the book, the driver would probably take the days off anyway and be fired. On the other hand, Colvard chose to give the driver the time off. Although he took some heat for the decision, he also kept a valuable employee.Had Colvard been faced with this decision 6 months earlier, he says he would have gone the other way. What changed his thinking was a month he spent living in McAllen, Texas. It was part of a UPS management training experience called the Community Internship Program (CIP). During his month in McAllen, Colvard built housing for the poor, collected clothing for the Salvation Army, and worked in a drug rehab Center.Colvard gives the program credit for helping him empathize with employees facing crises back home. And he says t hat CIP has made him a better manager. â€Å"My goal was to make the numbers, and in some cases that meant not looking at the individual but looking at the bottom line. After that one month stay, I Immediately started reaching out to people in a different way.†CIP was established by UPS in the late 1960s to help open the eyes of the company’s predominantly white managers to the poverty and inequality in many cities. Today, the program takes 50 of the company’s most promising executives each summer and brings them to cities around the country.There they deal with a variety of problems from transportation to housing, education, and health care. The company’s goal is to awaken these managers to the challenges that many of their employees face, bridging the cultural divide that separates a white manager from an African American driver or an upper-income suburbanite from a worker raised in the rural South.1.     Do you think individuals can lea rn empathy from something like a 1-month CIP experience? Explain why or why not.2.     How could UPS’s CIP help the organization better manage work life conflicts?3.     How could UPS’s CIP help the Organization improve its response to diversity?4.     What negatives, if any can you envision resulting from CIP?5.     UPS has 2,400 managers. CIP includes only 50 each year. How can the program make a difference if it include only 2 percent of all managers? Does this suggest that the program is more public relations than management training?6.     How can UPS justify the cost of a program like CIP if competitors like FedEx, DHL, and the U.S. Postal Service don’t offer such programs? Does the program increase costs or reduce UPS profits? Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing and Its Components Essay
Environmental analysis of UK: In order to achieve success in implementing some marketing plan, PEST analysis plays a major role because it allows the organizations to do a complete analysis of political, economic, social and technological aspects of the organization and the evidence can be taken from the example of Tesco UK. The success factor of Tesco can be analyzed from the marketing strategy it has assumed in order to deal with the potential customers of United Kingdoms. However, this company has taken all the basic concepts of marketing under consideration while making its strategic plan. Here is the PEST analysis of Tesco UK. Political: The organizations which have political backup and keeps the political aspects under consideration while marketing its service get promulgation within no time. For instance, Tesco is an international supermarket; its policies are always compatible to the regions in which it provides its services. In UK, it has also kept this thing under consideration and that’s why, got exceptional response from the customers. In this regard, following steps have been taken: †¢It has fulfilled legislative requirements of United Kingdoms †¢There is no violation of Labor law, environmental law, trade law, health and tariff restrictions †¢Policies have been developed keeping the political scenarios under consideration †¢Tesco has also developed its own ethical and sustainability policy keeping the national ethical policy of UK in view Economic: Since UK market is one of the most sensitive markets of the world, economic sustainability is another factor that needs thorough analysis in order to deal with any marketing situation. Most of the consumer within UK requires a product that suits not only their lifestyle but also their budget. Though brand loyalty and trust is also a positive factor that can be regarded as a strong reason for the success of this organization, still some consumers find it difficult to buy costly products. Tesco UK has also kept this thing in view and provided different solutions in the form of competitive prices and sales. However, the economic analysis of Tesco indicates †¢Potential investment of company authorities within UK †¢Payment of taxes on each product †¢Adoption of sensitive price strategy †¢Paying interest rate †¢Extensive participation in regional economic growth Social: The analysis of social factors of Tesco UK is as followed: †¢Targeting young people for product marketing †¢Increasing demand of the international products due to increasing migrants †¢Multi-cultural customers †¢Bargaining power of customers †¢Safety issues like inability of customers to understand product precautions Technological: As far as technological factors are concerned, Tesco has also kept this aspect under consideration while marketing its services in United Kingdoms. †¢Automatic payment system †¢Auto-checking while entering and exiting from supermarket †¢Use of electronic system for cash and balance †¢Implementation of safety cameras in supermarkets †¢Wireless devices †¢RFID Control of Tesco over environmental factors: As far as the environmental factors that are beyond the control of Tesco UK are concerned, it is the competitive forces, suppliers, customers, inflation ratio and technological advancement which have affected sustainability of Tesco in one way or other. Competitors: Potential competitors of Tesco UK are as followed: †¢Wal-Mart †¢Costcutter †¢Carrefour As far as online competitors are concerned, they involve †¢Ebay UK †¢Amazon UK Customer: Another aspect that is beyond the control of Tesco UK is bargaining power of customers. The demands of customers vary with the passage of time and Tesco UK has to assume change management strategy keeping the changing demands of the customers. In this regard, the factors that can affect Tesco directly involve †¢Bargaining power of customers †¢Recession †¢Limited budget of customers †¢Changing requirements according to the trend Inflation ratio: Inflation ratio is another aspect which is beyond the control of Tesco UK since there are several factors which contribute in such cases and if this supermarket gives potential discounts on each product that threats the sustainability of their relation with suppliers. However, this thing is controlled to a small extent through providing different packages and sales in low seasons, Technological advancement: Since with the advancement in technology, consumers are also attracting towards online shopping, online platforms have taken the position of strong competitors. A consumer seeks ease through purchasing products from online portal that can deliver the objects at home. Though Tesco also has its own web portal yet the technological advancement makes it complex for this organization to adopt appropriate strategy in each country. However, through adopting timely change management strategy, this organization can deal with such situation. Section 2: Creating and sustaining competitive advantages: Tesco is the third largest grocery store of the worlds and there are ample potential competitors which can be regarded as the core competent of this organization. However, still this organization has been gaining competitive advantages through sustaining and assuming competitive advantage strategy. As far as the core competitors of Tesco in this industry are concerned, Wal-Mart and Carrefour are two leading organizations that compete with Tesco on global level. The reason why it had remained on third position is that it had initiated its service after a long time. However, it is the competitive advantages which it has sustained in regional as well as global competitive market that it has been positioned on third rank among all supermarkets of the world. As far as the strategies in order to gain competitive advantage are concerned, there are several creative and sustainable competitive strategies which can be developed in order to gain competitive advantage in this industry. In this regard, Porter’s generic strategies can be utilized because all the successful organizations like Wal-Mart and Carrefour have gained such position only through assuming exceptional competitive strategy. The first strategy that can be promulgated in this regard is cost leadership strategy which would enable Tesco to offer its services and products to not only national but international consumers and markets in lowest cost. For this purpose, they would also have to control the overall cost of the operations so that they can easily maintain investment and this price control strategy never affects this organization in one way or other. Through assuming this strategy, Tesco would be able to generate not only potential profit but also competitive advantage as well. If Tesco would use differentiation strategy as indicated by Porter, it would enable this organization to offer its products and services to its customers promulgating unique features and value added services that would attract potential customers a lot. This would also give competitive advantage in the form of brand loyalty of customers and double profit. Differentiation can be generated through assuming novel technological feature, providing value added service, exceptional customer service etc. Another option to create and sustain competitive advantage in local as well as international markets is market penetration. For instance, for Tesco, it might be difficult to assume differentiation or cost leadership strategy since it requires price maintenance. It can also make its marketing sources exceptional. For this purpose, as indicated in Ansoff Matrix, market penetration strategy would prove ample lucrative. It means this organization can gain competitive advantages through penetrating in existing market, find potential sources for promulgating its products and services and then focusing on internal efficiencies in order to come up with the requirements of the consumers. Nevertheless, Tesco can gain competitive advantage through assuming cost leadership and differentiation strategy in global market since it would enable this organization to compete with global giants. However, market penetrations strategy would work if this organization wants to create and sustain exceptional position in local markets like that of United Kingdoms and China. However, it cannot be stated that Tesco used to utilize such strategies without doing market analysis. In this regard, Tesco does market analysis through assessing its market position and contemporary ratio of market growth which enables it to analyze which strategy would enable it to compete on global as well as local level and in this regard, the significance of BCG matrix cannot be neglected. Some organizations used to employ all these strategies collaboratively and consider that there will be competitive advantage that is a wrong notion. That’s why most of them stuck in the middle and ultimately find it difficult to sort out the best option. This is not the case with Tesco since it’s a global organization and its management has exceptional expertise in dealing with such kind of situation assuming the best strategy that can generate passive competitive advantages. Hence, these are some of the potential options which an organization can utilize for competing with the strongest competitor in its relevant industry but before assuming any particular strategy, the organization needs to have its portfolio analysis as well. the examples of Tesco, Wal-Mart and Carrefour can be taken as evidence in this regard since Tesco has assumed strategic option through analyzing its contemporary position in global market and hence, gained successful position as well, Section 3: Product life cycle: A product life cycle possesses different stages like introduction, growth, maturity and decline. However, the marketing strategies vary according to the changing stage of product life cycle and the organizations that use appropriate strategic options according to the requirements of the contemporary scenario, get success in product marketing. On first stage, organizations used to apply marketing Mix elements in which, it suggests specifications of products, appropriate price, promotion strategies and place where it can gain successful position. Different examples can be seen in the form of Toyota motors, McDonald fast food industry and Tesco service providers in this regard. For example, Toyota wants to launch one of its product, the initial strategy that it would adopt will be determining price specifying promotion strategy and place, promulgating product specifications. Product: design, specification, how it works, extra benefits of using it etc Price: initially the cost would be low since this new product would take time to make its position in the markets. Promotion: this section would indicate promotional strategies like launching product providing value added services Place: this section indicates the best market for promulgating new vehicle like United Kingdoms, Canada etc. The second stage is referred to as Growth stage. At this point, the strategic plan differentiated through assuming growth strategy like market development etc. For instance, when Tesco opened new store in China, it achieved growth status through developing market and for that purpose, it affiliated itself with one of the regional supermarkets that enabled this supermarket to have potential growth in new market. The third stage is referred to maturity stage. On this stage, the product or service got its mature status and for its sustainability, different strategies are adopted in order to maintain its position through assuming change management strategy if required. Market penetration strategy is considered the best option in such cases since through constant penetration in market, the contemporary position of the product and service is analyzed. For instance, in UK markets, environment changes are uncertain and this thing affects the requirements of consumers. So, Tesco UK constantly do market penetration in order to sustain its position and cope with competitors. Last stage is referred to the decline stage and it is considered the death of the product. However, some companies assume differentiation and diffusion of innovation strategy in order to sustain its product and regain its mature stage. The example can be taken from McDonalds India. Its product for non-vegetarian though gained ample success in the beginning but soon, customers fed up with it. McDonalds India assumed differentiation strategy and attracted customers through introducing vegetarian burgers and deals. Diffusion of innovation strategy: Diffusion of innovation is one of the effective strategies that can regenerate lost position of a product. Through promulgating product marketing its innovative features, organization can easily cope with decline stage of PLC. There are several examples which can be quoted for proving the authenticity of this strategy With the propagation of KFC and PizzaHut, customers transformed their concentration from McDonalds and this thing affected its profitability ratio badly. The management of McDonalds contemplated to regain its position and ultimately found diffusion of innovation as the best source to deal with this issue. Finally, they introduced McFlurry which attracted most of their customers back. Hence, this thing not only made it possible for the organization to get its customers back but the profitability ratio also increased simultaneously. Hence, marketing strategy plays a major role in developing and sustaining products or services in local as well as global markets but along with using innovative strategy, the organization should also have potential to assume change management strategy according to the contemporary requirements.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Animal Cruelty Laws essays
Animal Cruelty Laws essays The current laws meant to safeguard against animal cruelty in the United States do not protect animals used for sport and entertainment. In this essay, I will discuss only animals used for thoroughbred racing, greyhound racing, and circuses. I will not include zoos, farming of animals, hunting, or vegetarianism in this discussion. I will review the inadequacies and poorly enforced laws that are currently meant to protect animals from human cruelty. Neglect and intentional harm constitute the two types of animal cruelty, as categorized by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) (Animal Cruelty: FAQ, 2002). Both types of animal cruelty are present in the sport of horse racing. Drug abuse, lameness, insufficient veterinary care and long road trips are all indications of animal cruelty, requiring better laws and enforcement in the racing industry. The American Association of Equine Practitioners says 60 to 90 percent of racehorses are significantly lame (Horse Racing: A Losing Bet, 2002). Many of these lame horses are forced to race on fractured legs by being treated with drugs to reduce the pain. Drugs are used to suppress the symptoms without treating the underlying medical problems, which can lead to permanent physical impairments (Horse Racing: A Losing Bet, 2002). Veterinarian Gregory Ferraro states, In general, treatments designed to repair a horses injuries and to alleviate its suffering are now often used to get the animal out onto the track to compete-to force the animal, like some punch-drunk fighter, to make just one more round. Equine veterinary medicine has been misdirected from the art of healing to the craft of portfolio management (Horse Racing: A Losing Bet, 2002). Because of this type of drug abuse, one horse in every twenty-two races was so severely injured that they could not fin...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Avoid These 10 Words in Formal Writing
Avoid These 10 Words in Formal Writing Purists may tell you that many of the words in the list below arent really words at all, but thats misleading at best. A few of the words are simply misspellings, and the rest are informal expressions or slang phrases that frequently appear in everyday speech (or vernacular). Nevertheless, according to the conventions of Standard English, all 10 of the following words should be avoided in reports, essays, research papers, and all other types of formal writing. alotAlot (one word) is a common misspelling of a lot (two words). [W]e all may write alot one day, says The American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage (2005), but for now keep in mind that alot is still considered an error in print. and etc.Because the abbreviation etc. (from the Latin et cetera) means and so on, and etc. is redundant. In any case, avoid using etc. in your essays: often it gives the impression that you simply cant think of anything else to add to a list. anywheresHuck Finn can get away with saying, There warnt a sound anywheres, but on formal occasions drop the terminal s. If anywheres appears anywhere in your dictionary, its probably labeled nonstandard or dialectal.could ofDont confuse this nonstandard form with the contraction couldve. Could of (along with should of and would of) can and should be replaced by could have (and should have and would have). As for coulda, shoulda, woulda, avoid dwelling on them- both in writing and in life.hisselfThis alterna tive form of the reflexive pronoun himself is commonly heard in certain dialects, but in formal writing steer clear of hisself (and theirself as well- though both were regarded as good usage in Middle and Early-Modern English). furtherestThe comparative form of far is farther or further. The superlative form is farthest or furthest. Nothings gained by combining the two forms. irregardlessThis double negative (ir- at the beginning and -less at the end) may not deserve Bryan Garners label of semiliterate . . . barbarism, but hes probably right that in print it should have been stamped out long ago (Garners Modern American Usage, 2009). Use regardless instead.itsIts is a possessive pronoun (like his or her). Its is a contraction of it is or it has. That leaves nothing for its to do- so toss it. lets usLets us means let us us. To avoid the repetition, write lets (She lets us play in her yard) or lets (Lets play in her yard) or let us (Let us pray). nohowIf you have the know-how to write, you dont need to be told to avoid nohow. Instead use in no way or not at all.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Make a Simple Weather Barometer
Make a Simple Weather Barometer People predicted the weather back in ye good olde days before Doppler radar and GOES satellites using simple instruments. One of the most useful instruments is a barometer, which measures air pressure or barometric pressure. You can make your own barometer using everyday materials and then try to forecast the weather yourself. Barometer Materials glass, jar, or canplastic wrapa strawrubber bandindex card or lined notebook papertapescissors Construct the Barometer Cover the top of your container with plastic wrap. You want to create an airtight seal and a smooth surface.Secure the plastic wrap with a rubber band. The most important part of making the barometer is getting a good seal around the rim of the container.Lay the straw over the top of the wrapped container so that about two-thirds of the straw is over the opening.Secure the straw with a piece of tape.Either tape an index card to the back of the container or else set up your barometer with a sheet of notebook paper behind it.Record the location of the straw on your card or paper.Over time the straw will move up and down in response to changes in air pressure. Watch the movement of the straw and record the new readings. How the Barometer Works High atmospheric pressure pushes on the plastic wrap, causing it to cave in. The plastic and the taped section of straw sink, causing the end of the straw to tilt up. When atmospheric pressure is low, the pressure of the air inside the can is higher. The plastic wrap bulges out, raising the taped end of the straw. The edge of the straw falls until it comes to rest against the rim of the container. Temperature also affects atmospheric pressure so your barometer needs a constant temperature in order to be accurate. Keep it away from a window or other places that experience temperature changes. Predicting the Weather Now that you have a barometer you can use it to help predict the weather. Weather patterns are associated with regions of high and low atmospheric pressure. Rising pressure is associated with dry, cool, and calm weather. Dropping pressure forecasts rain, wind, and storms. Quickly-rising pressure that starts from average or high pressure during fair weather indicates a low-pressure cell is approaching. You can expect the pressure to start to fall as poor weather approaches.Quickly rising pressure (over a few hours or a couple of days) after a period of low pressure means you can expect a short period of good weather.Slowly rising barometric pressure (over a week or so) indicates good weather that will stick around a while.Slowly falling pressure indicates the presence of a nearby low-pressure system. Changes in your weather are unlikely at this time.If the pressure continues to drop slowly you can expect a long period of bad (as opposed to sunny and clear) weather.A sudden drop in pressure (over a few hours) indicates an approaching storm (usually arriving within 5-6 hours). The storm probably involves wind and precipitation, but wont last long.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Group decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Group decision making - Essay Example For example, at one time or another one might probably exclaim, "One can't accomplish anything in a meeting as everyone has his or her own agenda. The more people are the more impossible it becomes." So, where at one point groups might be consider effective in decision making yet the synergy in the group’s outcome depends on the group’s characteristics. This paper would consider the effectiveness of group decision making considering the several factors that might influence it. Essential Components The Positive Interdependence The first and the important element in the structuring cooperation learning in group is the Positive Interdependence. â€Å"Positive interdependence is one that links students together so they cannot succeed unless all the group members succeed. Group members so therefore have to realize that they sink or swim together.†(Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1998, p. 4:7). The group task must have to be designed so that the participation from every member is necessary to complete that task. Every group member must have clearly designated role. Moreover, the tasks of every member must address the differentiation of group so that each member is then utilizing their talents and skills. Resources necessary for completion of the project might be distributed to different members in group. This will ensure that all must work together to accomplish the goal. A group task would usually be setup in which every group member must be able to explain result of the project at the end. Roles or jobs can be assigned to each group member For instance the project roles include, Leader or organizer, recorder, researcher, designer, present. And the discussion roles woul cover Facilitator, Reflector, Summarizer Time Keeper, Summarizer, The effectiveness of the group thereby depends on positive interdependence. Group Processing Group Processing generally examines how groups of students can work together effectively and efficiently, it focuses on pos itive behaviors and actions rather than on negative ones and involves the members thinking about how they learn. An example of such would be when the teacher chooses to spend time specifically focusing on the developing a skill such as listening. The class-teacher can then monitor the different groups during this learning activity and provide positive feedback on how well they are doing. It helps determine how groups are doing. Individual verses Group decision making Potential Group Productivity The group of individual gathered together makes decisions which are better. Members of a group are different in approaching any decision. This would be considered as an advantage that can help the group make well rounded, thoughtful decisions. People have varying skill sets, experiences, and personality strengths, and such can lead to greater number of suggestions or options than that which can be developed by a single person, meaning a group in such case would be likely to come to a better solution. This would help the group make better decision provided a consensus of opinion is reached. Social facilitation It is the tendency for people to do much better on simple tasks when one is in the presence of other several people. This implies that when so ever people are being watched by others, they will naturally do well on things that they had already good at doing. 6. (Strauss, B. (2001). Social facilitat
Manipulating Data Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Manipulating Data - Essay Example It is the result of an old code that is modified over the years plenty of times. Another aspect is that changing one part of the code would have unpredictable effects on all the other parts of the program, just as a bowl of spaghetti where pulling one can affect all the other strands. Thus the complex structure is named after spaghetti. Spaghetti code is caused mainly by inexperienced programmers following their mandates and creating a complex program which is being modified by several other people previously. Structured programming however decreases the chance of spaghetti code (Dixit, 2007, p. 92). The structured programming was a method formed in 1966 as a logical programming method which is a precursor to the object-oriented programming. This programming method is aimed to improve the quality, clarity, and development time of computer programs through the extensive use of block structures and subroutines instead of simple tests such as GOTO statements resulting in spaghetti code which makes it difficult to maintain and follow (Agarwal, 2009, p. 253). Modular programming has been functioning since the 1970s as a technique which subdivides a computer program in various other sub-programs. It separates the computer programs into individual and independent modules. It is a separate software component which is used with many other applications and functions in the system. The functions which are similar are grouped together while the separate functions are grouped as separate units. Object-oriented programming can be used with modular programming as it allows multiple programmers to work on divided programs independently (Mitchell, 2003, p. 239). Object-oriented programming is the method which is most commonly used today. It provides a programming model based on objects as it integrates the code and data by using objects. An object can be the abstract data type which has a state and behavior both. These objects can also be like real
Friday, October 18, 2019
The understanding financial data, and developing and making judgements Essay
The understanding financial data, and developing and making judgements on proposals against strategic objectives - Essay Example In this study the researcher observed the role played by the finance and accounting function in the operation of a business. The author of the study recognized the following main functions: †¢ The raise of funds or financial management †¢ The role of financial reporting and †¢ The budgeting and organisational objectives. Financial management is a division of the finance and accounting purpose i.e. concerned with the financing of an industry’s activities. Finance is usually raised through loan capital, share capital and state finance or through inside generated funds. This report is prepared for Roberta Kelly and providing good budgeting plan to her business. It is designed to give the learners a chance to investigate the principles that support the financial decision making procedure and how they are applied into business. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a group of accounting standards build up by a sovereign, not-for-profit business called the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). â€Å"The goal of IFRS is to provide a global framework for how public companies prepare and disclose their financial statements. IFRS provides general guidance for the preparation of financial statements, rather than setting rules for industry-specific reporting†. Financial r eporting is the arrangement of financial data in a form that is helpful to interested parties. It includes the collection and presentation of data for utilize in management accounting and financial management. ... It includes the collection and presentation of data for utilize in management accounting and financial management. 3. Interpretation of Accounting Information – Public Limited Companies: For the comparison study and understanding of the Transportation sector we have chosen the two companies i.e. 1. MET Plc 2. KGL PTS. Both of the companies are well established in the transportation sector and they are diversifying their business worldwide. Marwyn European Transport Plc is newly established company in the transportation sector; it is formed by the leading Transport industry executives to exploit the opportunities in the European transport industry. They are now focusing on the German bus and coach industry and presently operating 250 buses in Germany. The MET is established as a wholly owned subsidiary company of the MMP (Marwyn Management Partner Plc.). The board of directors of the company has a belief on the attractive investment opportunities in the public transportation of the European countries and so they are willing to operate the business by keeping the favors of the stakeholders. Initially they are targeting the largest bus markets in the country. KGL Passenger Transport Services (KGL PTS) in Kuwait, a supplementary of KGL Holding, was recognized in 2005. Being the showpiece of KGL Holding’s Passenger Transport Management Company, the KGL PTS has developed themselves as one of the most important passenger travel service companies within Kuwait and Middle East. As they are offering different means of carrying to suit the necessities of customer both publicly and commercially, they are still leading the sector. The head quarter of KGL PTS is in Kuwait and they are operating in Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and in the United Arab
Law - legal systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Law - legal systems - Essay Example The expansion of the role of government in the lives of its citizens has brought with it an increasing number of controversies between citizen and state. There is a perception too that as a people we have become more litigious. All this has resulted in an increase in litigation, aggravating the problems within the current judicial structure, causing delays from the ensuing backlog of cases, higher costs to the parties and the taxpayer, the bureaucratization of dispute-processing systems and exaggeration of minor disputes as a result of regulations, delays and costs. Furthermore, both court congestion and high cost are used as bargaining tools to extract settlements which may otherwise be unacceptable. For many, however, the concern runs deeper. There is a growing awareness that the corner-stone of our judicial structure, the adversary system itself, is not the most appropriate for the effective resolution of all forms of disputes; it may not be capable of resolving a problem to both parties' satisfaction and may easily cause disputes to escalate to more serious levels. Moreover, even though the vast majority of disputes are 'resolved' outside the courtroom, they are still resolved 'under the shadow' of this adversary mentality; for instance, the threat of instituting court proceedings may be enough to exact an inappropriate settlement. It is often unfortunate that the adversary mentality permeates all resolution processes, polarizing the parties and exacerbating their disaffection. Still, negotiated or 'lumped' settlements far exceed in number those resolved through other means. On many occasions the 'threat' of suit is therapeutic where otherwise stubbornness might prevail. The basic philosophy of the adversary system is that it is the best means to find the truth through the testing of the various versions of the disputants by putting each to the proof of his or her claim. Correlatively the burden of establishing legal entitlement rests with the litigants. The system is based on individualistic premises: each party is presumed to be equally motivated and competent to investigate the facts and to present his or her case to a passive, neutral and independent court and each is presumed to have equal opportunity to pursue the claim. Implicitly the system presumes adequate resources in both time and money in order to do so. Each party confronts the other, as an adversary, before the court, each having an opportunity to present her or his story, to a judge, whose business is to decide the dispute under law. Eventually so the theory goes, the truth will emerge at least to the extent it can be discovered. However, it is generally accepted that the practice does not work nearly as well as the theory, despite an absence of empirical evidence either way. Each party will usually not have equal or even adequate time, money, motivation or ability to present his or her case properly. Furthermore, because the system is in part predicated on competitiveness, combativeness and confrontation, the emphasis is less on the best resolution of conflict but rather, oftentimes it seems, on 'winning at all costs'. It is little wonder that this system has been labeled 'the sporting theory of justice'. The end results include a lot of wasted time and money and a perceived lack of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Special Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia Thesis Proposal
Special Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia - Thesis Proposal Example From the discussion it is clear that the government of Saudi began to incorporate deaf students into regular public schools following pressure from the public. The move was not accompanied by measures to train teachers on how to handle deaf students alongside those without hearing impairments. This placed deaf students in public schools at somewhat of a disadvantage compared to the normal learners. The author believes that the move was a good one. Secluding deaf learners in their schools as a form of discrimination. However, the Saudi government needs to review the curriculum for ordinary teacher training to incorporate the skills necessary for teachers to handle deaf students.As the report declares until recently, institutions of higher learning in Saudi Arabia did not admit deaf students because they lacked the facilities needed to support them. This scenario forced deaf students who wanted to pursue higher education after high school to seek opportunities abroad. Another effect of the failure of Saudi colleges and universities to admit deaf students was that they (the deaf students) were locked out teaching deaf students at primary, secondary and higher education levels. Instead, the instruction of deaf students was left exclusively to hearing teachers. This situation has persisted despite research conducted elsewhere indicating that the instruction of deaf students is more effective if it is undertaken by deaf teachers.
Equity and trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Equity and trusts - Essay Example pective of property relations such that even if married couples lived together in a property owned by one of them prior to the marriage and used the same as family home after the marriage the law does not deem the newcomer as a part owner of such property. Albeit the courts enjoy wide discretion under the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1973 to distribute the properties between divorced husband and wife, a declaration dividing the matrimonial home equally between the ex-spouses cannot be made ipso facto because courts usually take into account legalities and legal requirements in adjudicating such property. Thus, in Pettitt v Pettitt [1970] AC 777 HL, the Court declared that the husband has no equitable interest in the couple’s family home despite the fact that he contributed labour and money in the improvement of the property. The Court held that the wife is the legal and equitable owner of the property because she used her own money in its purchase. This decision was held despite the fact that the husband relied on the provision of s 17 of the Married Women’s Property Act 1882, which allowed the Court discretion to distribute properties between contending husbands and wives. In another interesting case, Lloyds Bank v Rosset [1991] 1 AC 107, [1991] All ER 1111, a married couple purchased a farmhouse out of family funds. The sellers, however, insisted that the purchase should be made in the name of the husband alone but the wife had a significant role in supervising the extensive repairs over the property. The family funds, however, were not enough to pay for the entire purchase price of the property and the husband, without the knowledge of the wife, sought loan from a bank and secured the same with a legal charge over the property. When the payments for the loans defaulted, the bank moved to foreclose the property over the objection of the wife who claimed beneficial interest over it. The Court disagreed holding that the wife had no beneficial interest over it
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Special Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia Thesis Proposal
Special Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia - Thesis Proposal Example From the discussion it is clear that the government of Saudi began to incorporate deaf students into regular public schools following pressure from the public. The move was not accompanied by measures to train teachers on how to handle deaf students alongside those without hearing impairments. This placed deaf students in public schools at somewhat of a disadvantage compared to the normal learners. The author believes that the move was a good one. Secluding deaf learners in their schools as a form of discrimination. However, the Saudi government needs to review the curriculum for ordinary teacher training to incorporate the skills necessary for teachers to handle deaf students.As the report declares until recently, institutions of higher learning in Saudi Arabia did not admit deaf students because they lacked the facilities needed to support them. This scenario forced deaf students who wanted to pursue higher education after high school to seek opportunities abroad. Another effect of the failure of Saudi colleges and universities to admit deaf students was that they (the deaf students) were locked out teaching deaf students at primary, secondary and higher education levels. Instead, the instruction of deaf students was left exclusively to hearing teachers. This situation has persisted despite research conducted elsewhere indicating that the instruction of deaf students is more effective if it is undertaken by deaf teachers.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Settlement Patterns and Living Conditions of Irish Migrants in the Essay
The Settlement Patterns and Living Conditions of Irish Migrants in the United States, And Canada in the Nineteenth Century - Essay Example The Settlement Patterns and Living Conditions of Irish Migrants The Irish people immigrated in planned ways and mostly to specific regions of the New World. Their settling tactics were occupying one side by the ocean or a huge, passable river, which amalgamated the internal area to the ocean. They chose to live near the ocean a relatively limited area because it was a grassland region of the world is within such areas. They wanted a climate that suited the areas they were familiar with and was suitable for the type of agricultural production that they practised. Accessibility to the ocean enabled them to trade their produce with goods that were manufactured in Europe that they used before. This immigration was highly influenced by the Irish potato famine that affects the Irish people. The potatoes dish was a staple meal for the Irish and the lack of it forced many to move to the USA in search of better living. This was during the time when the American dream notion had spread worldwi de. The Irish heard that America was a worry free land and different from the struggles that they were encountering back home. The potato famine of the 1840s led to Irish people struggling to preserve themselves alive thus they had to look for better healthy living conditions, as well as, secure employment. The famine was disastrous in Ireland as the British rulers failed to assist with the food shortage and the condition of grain exportation to pay proprietors their rent become unbearable for most people. This was practically the cause of the Irish immigration during the 1800s. The famine claimed over a million persons fading of starvation while survivors were affected by diseases such as cholera and typhus. This forced them to flee for the USA and Canada as the living conditions were unbearable in Ireland. It is also of necessity to comprehend that the ship the boarded to America was as terrible as the circumstances back home. The coffin ship, as it was known had poor conditions t hat many people lost their lives during the sailing trip to the USA and Canada without achieving their dream of a better life. Additionally those that, safely reached the promised dream settled in new environment that they struggled to adapt to, as they were not used to it as well as struggled to find shelter (Bekerman 123). During the shortage years, almost a million Irish came in the USA. The famine refugees were the initial immense group of deprived migrants to arrive in the U.S. The Irish potato famine started in 1845. The potato plants rotted and turned black because of airborne fungus phytophthora infestans. The fungus is highly toxic, and it infects thousands potato plants from just a single plant that has the fungus. During the 1846 summer, the Irish weather was not favourable to the people. It might be said that it was working against the Irish. The cool, moist summer helped spread the fungus to wider areas affecting more potatoes along the way (McKenna 320). This started t he infamous Irish potato famine in Ireland that caused a difficult life for many people as well as their families. This famine turned Ireland upside down as well as other places in the world due to the immigration from Ireland. After the potatoes were destroyed, the Irish people started living off wild blackberries, nettle and old cabbage leaves as well as edible seaweed and green grass.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The impetus that has kept me on the art track Essay Example for Free
The impetus that has kept me on the art track Essay Some people think that art taught in schools (middle and high school) is sufficient to keep one in this creative world. While one cannot deny the overall importance of learning art in school, there is a bigger aspect to all this that can never be passed from the class teacher to the art student; this aspect comes from the artist himself/ herself. My impetus I have an artistic personality as art is my way of expressing myself; this is why I spent almost all my time drawing. When someone annoys me, then I will vent out this anger through art, when someone makes me happy, art is my only way of showing that feeling, when am sad, art is my only solace. The beauty about art is that it is platform for expressing myself. It allows me to be blatantly honest with myself as am not struggling with pretentiousness; this is who I truly am. Because my art work creates positive responses in others, then I have built a sense of confidence about my work. It makes me feel secure because I know that there is something I am good at. Given the above sentiments, then my definition of art would have to deviate from the norm. I do not consider art as just another major, neither do I think that art is something that was merely handed down to us from history; I believe that art is jut part of who I am. It took a long time for me to admit this; but I finally got the revelation while staying at my country. I realized that everything I did revolved around art and I learned to enjoy what I was good at. My passion for art began when I was fifteen. At that time, I attended an exhibition known as the 2003 Women’s International exhibit Jeddah. My role during that exhibition was not a passive one as I was part of the company’s marketing department. For a period of on month, I created the company’s website. I was also able to design commercials for them. This was the point in my life where I realized what I could become through art. I was lucky to work with a supportive team from the company; they encouraged me and taught me how to improve my work. Additionally, my mother and my cousins saw what I had done for the company and they were astounded by it. They couldn’t believe that I was responsible for what they saw. Nothing can compare to the look on their faces; they were so proud of me. Right there and then, I knew that this was what I was meant to do. Thereafter, I began exploring the wonderful world of art. To me, art is a universal language that can be understood by people all over the world. This is a concept that I understood in high school. At that time, I was part of a club that specialized in art forms from different cultures. Not only were we looking at the conventional aspects of art, but we also learnt about the Japanese language, their food and other cultural aspects. Through this club, I got an insight into the Japanese way of life consequently, learning their language. The epitome of this inter-cultural experience occurred during a school bazaar held at the end of the year. We were expected to inform the public about our club through a small stand. My task was to create flyers and commercials. I was also supposed to establish a mission for the team and the overall color theme for the event. These activities shaped my leadership skills and led to a self discovery on what I was truly capable of doing. The most touching and important thing about this particular occasion was that I learnt about other people’s cultures. The Japanese way of life was completely unfamiliar to me, but through art, I understood them. Art was my window into the life and times of the Japanese. From that moment on, I began appreciating other people’s uniqueness. Art is a unifying force; I can speak to others and they can speak to me even without saying a word. To me, no other forte can achieve such an effect. If the world would embrace art a little more, then we would all live together in harmony. My stay in the United States has been equally enriching. This year, I attended a training competition know as Boston Phoenix. The major theme of the event was Japanese animation. Through this event, I met art enthusiasts like myself. We were able to exchange ideas in at equal levels and I was amazed at their work. These young people used simple tools around them to create brilliant art pieces. I also began collecting and designing my own supplies. It was so fantastic to know that there are youth out there who are as inspired by art as I am. Conclusion The latter experiences have helped to shape who I have become toady. Being artistic is just part of my personality. Through art, I can be a leader, I can be creative and I can express my innermost sentiments. Art has given me an insight into other cultures thus making me respect and comprehend other their way of life. I have therefore become a versatile and multi-cultured individual. Because of these reasons, I felt that I should make art part of my professional life. This was why I joined the university and I believe that through my college education, I can become a better artist than before.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Benefits Of The E Book
Benefits Of The E Book Do you ever heard about what is E-book? Before discussing the benefits of E-book, let we know some more about it. E-book is a book but it was in electronic format. The letter E self explains and means available in electronic format. Just like purchasing a book from a bookstore, you need to pay and you will receive the book, but it is more simple than that because it only requires an internet connection for the purchase. After get it, you can stay offline. The E-book also can be download into your system by the sender send a download link via an email. I didnt believe if anyone said to get an E-book is more difficult from getting a book from a bookstore. It was so easy like ABC. You only need to click on the link and the E-book will automatically download to your computer. E-book can have numbered pages, table of contents, pictures and graphics, exactly like a printed book. So, you still can feel like reading a normal book or if you are not familiar with it, you can easily print it ou t. E-book have so many kind of benefits that we need to know. Firstly, E-book is portable compare with a book. Just imagine, you can carry a thousand of E-book on your laptop instead carry a bundle of book. There is no more weight issue to bring a book. You also can simply read your E-book in a train, airplane, bus, or while waiting for something. You didnt have to get mess by looking where you put the book, all is your laptop or PC. You only need to look into a folder where you have saved it or by using searching program where it is available on every laptop or PC. There is no more mini library in house or book rack to keep all your book but only a laptop, or if you want to store it into a smaller place, you can store it in your thumb drive. It was totally saving a cost and area. Moreover, if you have a problem with the size of the fonts, you can resize and adjust the font size depending on yourself. It was really help for those who have an optical problem. This disease is called hyperopia and it was caused by an imperfection in the eye often when the eye ball is too short or the lens cannot become round enough. Books usually with font size of 12 or 14 which is big enough for most of us but not for them who are suffering from hyperopia as they cannot see clearly writing in font size 12 or even 14. Old people like to read a lot too as most of them have a lot of free time to read since most of them have retired because they are no longer able to work. E-book is a great solution to their problem as the size of the writing is not fixed. This means that one can make it bigger or smaller for instance one can make the font size 45 or 10. This should be a great help to old readers especially those who are suffering from hyperopia. Furthermore, you also can turn the E-book to the audio book by using a software that can convert it. Some of it contains audio, picture, and audio to make it more attractive. In this case, it can increase the hobby of reading. People will spending more time in front of computer and less time with the printed books. It can change people perception from reading is a boring to reading is an interesting. Through E-book, teacher can attract their student to give more attention and understanding during the class session. For an example, the teacher can include picture or video of university to tell the student how university is really look like and it conditions. Compare by giving them a paper with a details or story of university, they will be boring and simply throw away the paper if they found that is useless for themselves. It also can be a great teaching medium because when teacher show their student with an image or video, it will be memorisable and more last longer. Besides, the usa ge of E-book for student can help them improves their learning skills and also gives them extra knowledge for them to use it for their materials in their assignment or homework and also can be useful for them in the examination. They also will expose to the technology where the E-book itself one of the great idea in technology. Their mind will be more advance and always looking for technology if they are exposed to the technology since they still very young age. In addition, student can do their revision using E-book which can avoid them from get bored during study. As a book seller, you can easily sell, advertise and distribute the E-book through the internet. It was better because people no need to waste their time to go to the bookstore to get the book that they want. By reducing this difficulty, people will more attract to read the book. Then, you can saving your cost of advertising. Through an internet, your advertisement will spread to all over the world for only a minute. Advertisement through an internet also more attractive because your can insert an audio or video to attract people. Then, as a customer, you dont have to wait for a long time to get the book that you want. You can purchase an E-book 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. In addition, you can do it from your sweet home or anywhere else . As long you are provided with laptop and internet connection, you are easy to get your E-book even you are on holiday or in vacation. By downloading an E-book through the right address and high speed internet access, you can get it in a very short time. This will help people in a rural area to get their book at a same time with the people in big modernized cities. E-book also have awfully low cost of production because it can be straightforwardly copied and distribute from one people to another. Amazingly, E-book is really environmental friendly because there is no tree is required in order to manufacture the E-book paper. So, increase the use of E-book will reduced the need of cutting trees. This will help to reduce the world problem today that is global warming. If there is no effort by any person or organisation to solve this problem, world will facing more and more problem. Not only that, the production of paper also will produce a lot of toxic component that dangerous to our health. The printing of a book also costs a lot of money besides requires a lot of resources. But for E-book, only a PC or laptop is needed to have the E-book. Some people are not agree because they said a laptop or PC is more costly than have a book but they didnt realize how many thousands of book they can have only by having a laptop. It also more safely stored and carried anywhere, than ordinary books. They also last longer than a normal books. The world today is changing every minute, so we need to update and change the content and information. E-book also can be updated faster with the new trends and information. It also generally kept to due date to the ease and very simple to do it. Other than that, E-book is a preserve and ageless books. It cannot be rot, mildew, old and full with dust like a normal book. It ensure that the literature will endure. It was crystally clear that E-book have a lot of benefits and it cannot be denied in order to make our country as a modern country with a technology. E-book also have the disadvantages and still need to improve. Everybody should take notes the importance and the advantages of E-book so that they can spread it. More campaign should be organize to expose our people with this kind of technology, E-book. Let everybody in this country expert in using E-book because maybe one day later Malaysia will be the only country that didnt use no more paper as book but only a laptop as the book. Name : Shafwan Akmal Bin Zamri ID NO: M15056 Tutorial Group : 8
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Dangers Of Diet Aids :: essays research papers fc
THE DANGERS OF DIET AIDS Â Â Â Â Â About a month ago, I stepped onto my bathroom scales. When I looked down at the numbers, my fears were confirmed: I had gained 5 pounds. Overcome with a desire to shed this unwanted extra weight, I decided to join millions of Americans just like me, and buy some sort of diet aid to help me along. I had no idea what to look for, what to avoid, and possible side effects, so I began to research the different types of diet aids, both chemical and herbal, and was hit with some very disturbing facts. Â Â Â Â Â It has been estimated that nearly 10 million women in the U.S. buy over-the-counter diet aids.(Cottrell, 99) Diet aids come in the form of pills, tablets, capsules, powders, milkshakes, herbal teas, and candies. They work in one of two ways, either by suppressing the appetite or by producing a feeling of fullness that encourages the eater to limit her food consumption.(Cottrell, 99) This feeling of fullness is often brought about by the ingredient guar gum, which forms a gel in the stomach. It has not been proven, though, that guar gum has a benefit for weight reduction.(Cottrell, 99) Â Â Â Â Â Amphetamines, which suppress the appetite, are a common ingredient in many over-the-counter diet aids. They are also commonly found in other drugs such as Speed, Crystal, White Crosses, 357 Magnums, Black Beauties, Crank, Ice, and Meth, most of which are illegal.(Cottrell, 99) Amphetamines increase heart and breathing rates and blood pressure, and dilate pupils. Users can also experience a dry mouth, sweating, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, sleeplessness, and anxiety.(Cottrell, 100) Extremely high doses can cause usersto flush or become pale; they can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination and even physical collapse.(Cottrell, 101) Toxic psychosis, delusional thinking and even death can also occur. Long-term heavy use of amphetamines can lead to malnutrition, skin disorders, ulcers, and various diseases that come from vitamin deficiencies.(Cottrell, 101) Lack of sleep, weight loss, and depression also result from regular use. When people stop using amphetamines abruptly, they may experience fatigue, long periods of sleep, irritability, extreme hunger and depression.(Cottrell, 101) The length and severity of the depression seems to be related to how much and how often the amphetamines were used.(Cottrell, 101) Â Â Â Â Â Another common ingredient that is chemically related to the amphetamine, is Phenylpropanolamine (PPA), the only FDA-approved over-the-counter weight loss drug.(Cottrell, 100) PPA, the active ingredient in Dexatrim, Acutrim, and most other diet aids, acts on the appetite center in the brain, the hypothalamus, reducing the desire to eat.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Organizational culture Essay
Organizational culture is defined as the shared values and beliefs within an organization (Wilkes, 2000). The culture also comprises of the norms and beliefs and is thus an in build system within an organization (Wilkes, 2000). Thus organizational culture is specific to an organization and it defines the relationship and the nature of the interaction between members of an organization and is influential on the nature of the relationship with outsiders (Wilkes, 2000). The culture is also definitive of the goals that are set for each member of the organization and is seen to go in line with thee vision of the organization. From the clear definition, goals, guidelines or expectations are developed; these constitute the norms. The management may try to instill some kind of a culture on its employees, this type of culture is thus described as corporate culture and is more specific (Wilkes, 2000). The classification of culture takes on diverse dimensions and therefore the analysis of the effects must also take on the same trend. The following are some of the factors that are used in classification of organizational culture: ? The expected differences in power levels. ? The extent to which the organizations members are willing to take risks. ? The level of collectivism or individualism in an organization. ? Gender aspects. ? Orientation, which can either be short or long term. Any strategy that an organization comes up with must be within the organizational setting and thus be relevant to the organization culture. A clash between the strategies and the organizational culture will lead to the flop of any program, therefore all organizations must ensure that their development plans are in line with the culture, failure to which the implementation will be a flop. Support for the policies After the analysis of needs, resources and uniqueness, there is an additional factor that must be considered in coming up with a decision; support. The organizational support to the mode chosen is very critical in the determination of the success of the mode of choice in meeting the needs of the organization. This is because it affect how members of the organization receive the decision. Support can be categories into three: ? Upper level support ? Like/ Colleague level ? End user support Management The reasons for support by upper management staff and executives is quite clear. The main reason for their support is the power they posses in the implementation of the plan especially in resource allocation and policy formulation (Woodruff, 2005). Moreover, the obvious nature of the need to influence the top executives often lead to concentration on them and thus ignoring the other members. Organizations must ensure that such occurrence are minimized and if possible eliminated as they can cause failure of well intentioned plans. Colleagues This group is made up of all those that the organization have to interact with in their daily undertaking (Woodruff, 2005). The importance of this group lies in counteracting the power that the organizations executives have on the decision making process. The support of the members of the organizations operational environment plays a very important role in influencing the decision. Therefore, enlightening the colleagues on the importance of Automated office systems support will go in line with drumming up support for the implementation of the approach of choice. In addition, enlightening the colleagues to understand the implementation of the plan, which it is meant for and the effect of its implementation on their jobs will go a long way in influencing their support. End Users Even though they have the power to influence the success of a plan, the end user are often ignored in lobbying for support (Woodruff, 2005). The end users have the power to render the plan a failure by deciding not to use the product, which will have the effect of changing the attitude of the colleagues and the management executives on the effectiveness and efficiency of the adopted Automated office systems support acquirement mechanism. Moreover, the sabotage need not be intentional; the failure of the system may be due to their lack of understanding of why the product is necessary or as a show of their lack of support of the governance model adopted. Furthermore, the products failure in meeting the needs of the end user could lead to failure and thus the importance of the end user in deciding on whether to buy or build Automated office systems support can never be downplayed.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Broken window concept
The â€Å"broken window†concept is among the most popular frameworks, designed for better understanding of the nature of crime and its prevention. George Kelling was the first criminologist, who suggested that even tiny problems are visible – for instance, a broken window points to the house owner’s ignorance and indifference. The paper is intended to discuss the concept and its application in details.â€Å"The essence of â€Å"broken windows†is that neighborhood disorder –physical decay, such as graffiti, litter and dilapidation; and minor misconduct, such as public drinking and vagrancy – will, if left unchecked, signal potential miscreants that no one is watching†(Miller, 2001, p. 27). This means, grave crimes begin with minor misdemeanors, and notorious criminals like serial killers often ‘begin with’ drug or alcohol abuse, which grow into social pathology, constantly reinforced by the conviction in the overall perm issiveness (Miller, 2001).Conversely, when eliminating the traces of minor misconducts like litter and graffiti in public places, the visitors become more conscientious about the overall public safety in this place. At first, the concept was applied in subways: Bratton, who received a piece of â€Å"broken window†advice from Kelling and subsequently wrote: â€Å"Fare evasion was the biggest broken window in the transit system. We were going to fix that window and see that it didn’t get broken again†(Miller, 2001, p.28). Thus, the group increased the number of policemen, supposed to detect the stowaway passengers – as a result, they found that a number of these ‘wrongdoers’ carried illegal arms and some of them had light drugs like marijuana. Finally, the subway became much cleaner and safer, as the number of combats and conflicts substantially decreased. Later, Mr. Bretton was hired as New York police commissioner, assigned to struggle with street prostitution.Violent and aggressive behavior and public drinking. The executive of the law enforcement agency introduced new computerized systems of surveillance in public places and increased the staff of the agency –as a result, the number of felony crimes fell beyond the expected decrease of the aforementioned misdemeanors (Miller, 2001). On the other hand, the causes of crime are still vague, as a complex of factors contribute. Most studies, however, empirically confirmed the â€Å"broken window†idea.For instance, Skogan conducted document analysis and scrutinized the earlier surveys in more than 40 localities. â€Å"He found that measures of social and physical decay correlated with certain kinds of serious crimes†(Miller, 2001, p. 28). On the other hand, new obstacles to policing emerged. As Kelling notes (1999), proactive approach to policing (prevention of crimes through putting the â€Å"broken window†concept into practice) is nowadays viewed by public as â€Å"soft policing†.On the other hand , â€Å"Community policing is inherently proactive: scan for problems; diagnose them; try to prevent them from occurring again; if they recur, try to limit the damage and restore the victim/family/community’s functioning†(Kelling, 1999, p. 10). This means, community policing often involves much more efforts than â€Å"crime fighting†, as in this case the commissioner or the police officer acts as an strategic analyst, supposed to have the ability to anticipate problems.Kelling’s approach to policing inherently includes regular interviews with community members, which means, police officers should keep in touch with the residents in order to identify the discuss the problems the community members are concerned about. In addition, the functioning of the whole law enforcement apparatus should be more transparent for community members, i. e. they should have an opportunity to learn the reason s for their neighbor’s arrest, for instance, as this measure is likely to act as a deterrent for others and a reminder about the policy’s care about public safety.On the other hand, a number of critics expressed their fear of the possible tendency for the expansion of the â€Å"soft policing†and the substantial elimination of reactive and radical measures. In this sense, Kelling alleges: â€Å" The fact that police add options to their repertoire of methods, try to limit damage and restore functioning does not mean that conventional assertive law enforcement is disallowed as a legitimate police tactic.For example, understanding the dynamics of New York City’s â€Å"squeegee men†–unwanted car window washers who intimidate drivers into giving them money – and talking to them did nothing to deter their behavior†(Kelling, 1999, p. 11). Nevertheless, as one can understand, civil law can be used by the police – as Kelling s tates, the new initiatives including such penalties like forfeiture, restitution and civil fines are placed upon those committing domestic violence, illegal weapons possession or disclose aggressive racist behavior.This means, a punishment should refer to the least possible intervention into the person’s life: for instance, if a criminal is not aggressive or dangerous and hasn’t committed grave crime, arrest is likely to appear a redundant measure. To sum up, the ‘broken window’ approach to policing refers not merely to the elimination of minor crimes, but also to the overall prevention of deviance and more extensive use of civil liberties in the issues like discretion.In general, Kerlling’s position is positivistic, as he views individuals as basically disciplined and law-abiding, but in order to increase public awareness in the importance of citizens’ own efforts in the sphere of public safety, it is important to show them that the police a re sensitive and responsive even to the minor misconducts. Reference list Miller, D. (2001). Poking Holes in the Theory of ‘Broken Window’. Chronicle of Higher Education, 2: 27-34. Kelling, G. (1999). â€Å"Broken Windows†and Police Discretion. National Institute of Justice Research Report. Available online at: http://www. ncjrs. org/pdffiles1/nij/178259. pdf
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