Friday, December 27, 2019
Professionalism The Roles of the Professional Nurse - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 980 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Career Essay Level High school Tags: Professionalism Essay Did you like this example? Consider the following scenario: Its a hectic day in the Emergency Room (ER) and the nurses are short-staffed. A patient with a history of drug seeking is omitted to the ER and demands a narcotic to ease his back pain. The nurse who is taking care of him is irritated and yells at the patient stating, youre nothing but a drug addict! The nurse administers the drug but continues to be rude and condescending. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Professionalism: The Roles of the Professional Nurse" essay for you Create order When the nurse gets off her shift, she feels she needs to vent about her day and calls a fellow co-worker. Although the nurse names no names, she makes it obvious who the patient is. She continues to vent about how the majority of society drug seeks and believes that people who ask for a narcotic arent really in pain. The next day, the nurses supervisor calls and fires the nurse for unprofessional conduct towards a patient and for discussing private patient information to a fellow co-worker. The nurse doesnt hold herself accountable, believing she was harmless when yelling at the patient, because she still gave the pain medication anyway. She then calls the coworker and blames them for getting her fired. Obviously, this nurse had no training and a lack of education in professional boundaries. This scenario is a general example that could affect any nurse that breaches his or her professional boundaries, because there will be situations where nurses may be understaffed, a patient may be drug-seeking, and where a nurse wants to vent about their day. However, it is how the nurse conducts his or her self that is critical to maintaining professionalism and accountability in coping with such situations. According to the American Nurses Association, professionalism is defined as accountability that is rooted to an ethical and moral principle. This adheres to a nurse taking responsibility, as well as, respecting self-determination of the patient (Black, 2015). Thus, to reserve p rofessionalism, what the nurse should have done was communicate with the supervisor from the start that the unit was understaffed, as well as, build a rapport with the patient, specifically in relations to the patients pain. Also, she should have maintained self-awareness to allow for unbiased attitudes, especially in regard to discussing private information to a fellow co-worker, which should have been avoided. By following the first step in communication, the nurse could have prevented the aftermath from the beginning. I believe being a good communicator is critical when it comes to any tension in the workplace, especially in the healthcare environment because it motivates staff and builds a team working experience. Furthermore, professional boundaries set the tone between the nurse and patient communication. For example, in the scenario, the nurse over-stepped her professional boundaries by yelling at the patient due to an under-involvement in patient care, biases, and neglected patient communication. Conversing with the patient is an integral part of the nurse-patient relationship and is acknowledged as a therapeutic process that can alleviate vulnerabilities of the patient (Black, 2015). Therefore, if such a situation were to arise, I would first converse with staff, avoid stereotypical ideas, and build rapport centered around the patient, so that he or she could feel less vulnerable. Pain is subjective and ineffective pain management happens more often than not, especially for those patients who have debilitating diseases with a high tolerance to pain. Every individual experience pain and some more than others can be highly sensitive to its effects on the body. I understand that this can be a challenge in the clinical setting when assessing pain, but by focusing on individual differences, pain magnitude can be backed up by the patients health history. Incidentally, communication is key, thus inter-personal relationships with fellow colleagues involved in the patients care can support a better accurate assessment for a patients pain. This includes having the patient involved in treatment options and having the health care professionals do a continuous follow-up to be tter manage pain in the future (Glowacki, 2015); thus, these effective pain strategies can improve patient outcome and satisfaction in pain relief. When a nurse is self-aware, the nurse is able to recognize their own emotions, beliefs, and biases and how they are discerned by others (Black, 2017). I have confidence that self-awareness is one of the most important things that a nurse can attain through their profession. This type of realization comes with practice and can be mastered over time, but if it is not considered, it can be a loss of professionalism when dealing with the care of patients. This can relate to basic patient care, as well as, keeping information about that patient private. As a nursing student, it can be difficult in realizing my personal challenges that I may have as a nurse, but by starting early on basic reflective practices, I believe Ill overcome any obstacles that relate to patient care and privacy. More importantly, it is critical to avoid stereotyping and to attain non-judgmental acceptance as a nurse. In the scenario, the nurse lacked this which became her overall downfall. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2018), the nurse must examine when they feel that they are crossing a boundary with the patient, they must consider the potential implications and avoid any violations in the future. Again, knowing ones own beliefs and realizing any potential outcomes if professionalism isnt followed through, is of most importance. Overall, if situations arise where professional boundaries are tested, I consider values such as positive communication with fellow team members to be the first go-to in a problematic situation. More i mportantly, building a good rapport with ones patients is obligatory for any health care worker, because this is the groundwork for building trust with the patient, as well as, making sense of their chief complaint. Lastly, maintaining a self-awareness is imperative and I regard it as the answer to being unbiased and non-judgmental in respects to all people.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Pleading Insanity Mental Illness - 2901 Words
Julie Wanzer Dr. King 18 September 2014 English 1102 Pleading Insanity Too many times in today’s society people don’t consider mental illness to be anything other than, voices in one’s head, or being a suicidal maniac. But actually it goes a lot farther than that. People who have a mental illness have gotten worse over the past 20 years, not that the illness has gotten any worse, because it hasn’t, but what it has pushed people to do has been drastically different. One common thing that is very controversial in America today is if someone has murdered, and they have a mental illness, should their punishment be the same as anyone else, or they be acquitted because of their illness. Everyone certainly believes that murder is absolutely wrong not matter how it’s looked at, but where is the line drawn, that makes one have a mental illness and one just being absolutely cruel. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a mental disability is referred to as â€Å"A mental or bodily condition marked primari ly by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual.†When one has a mental disability, they aren’t themselves. Therefore they don’t make decisions themselves. Once someone has murdered and they go to court they have three options, when they are pleading. They have guilty, not guilty, and not guilty with reason of insanity. First, the history of the insanity defense, according to Mark NolanShow MoreRelatedInsanity Defense Essay1469 Words  | 6 Pages Insanity is defined as a mental disorder of such severity as to render its victim incapable of managing his affairs or conforming to social standards. (Insanity, pg. 1) It is used in court to state that the defendant was not aware of what he/she was doing at the time of the crime, due to mental illnesses. But insanity is a legal, not a medical, definition. There is a difference between mental illness and going insa ne. Many problems are raised by the existence of the insanity defenseRead MoreThe Insanity Plea For Pleading Insane1616 Words  | 7 PagesOver the years the abuse of insanity plea, has troubled our American Justice System in our world today. The growth in this defense has increased so much that the expansion has asked the question; whether or not insanity plea is a worthy and justified defense to be used in the courts. The Insanity defense is when a criminal defendant can be found to have been legally insane when that defendant committed the crime they did at the time. In some cases, the criminal defendant pleads insane and gets aRead MoreThe Case Of John Wayne Gacy1254 Words  | 6 PagesEach year defendants claim to be mentally insane so they may receive medical treatment for their illness instead of serving jail or prison time. It is my belief that all mentally ill citizens should have the right to be medically treated. Although, not all of these people should be allowed back into society after they have reached their sanity. Some extreme cases such as the case of John Wayne Gacy who was proven insane should still never be let back onto the public streets. John Wayne Gacy murderedRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System: Different Types of Criminal Defense647 Words  | 3 Pagesstarting with: insanity, automatism, duress, self defense, intoxication, necessity/ lesser harm, and mistake of fact. The first criminal defense is pleading insanity which is an affirmative defense. Insanity is a â€Å"legal term rather than a medical one, and indicates a condition that renders the affected person incapable of rational thought, thereby removing criminal culpability†(Pollock, 2013). This means that a defendant is not responsible for their actions due to having mental health issues.Read MoreThe Argument Of The Insanity Defense1429 Words  | 6 PagesThe insanity defense has been a controversial issue among many individuals and legal experts. Whether or not an individual s current mental state can get in the way of their ability to differentiate right from wrong at the time of a committed crime has been a discussion of great debate among society. Although it is rarely used in criminal proceedings its credibility is still questioned by many people. People who believe that the insanity defense should be abolished argue that the individual committedRead MoreThe Psychological P erception Of Aaron And Mentally864 Words  | 4 Pagesmultiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder (â€Å"MPD/DID†), which proves Aaron’s whole argument. MPD/DID â€Å"is an illness that is characterized by the presence of at least two clear personality states, called alters, which may have different reactions, emotions, and body functioning†than can lead to â€Å"time and memory lapses and blackouts†. This illness is â€Å"is thought to be an effect of severe trauma during early childhood, usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, or emotionalRead MoreNot Guilty by Reason of Insanity1673 Words  | 7 PagesGuilty By Reason of Insanity? Lori Sheets The insanity defense is a defense by excuse. The defendant argues that they should not be held criminally responsible for breaking the law because they were mentally ill or mentally incompetent at the time of their alleged criminal action. The thought behind this is that someone suffering from a mental disorder is not capable of knowing or choosing right from wrong so they should not be punished. When this is the case, they are pleading not guilty by reasonRead MoreA Suitable Punishment And Razor Fruitcake. Insanity, By1605 Words  | 7 PagesFruitcake Insanity, by its dictionary definition, is the derangement of the mind. ( It is used in everyday contexts, when people say â€Å"You are insane for doing that trick on your dirt bike †or â€Å" The traffic getting out of the game was insane last night!†. However the real definition, written by Cornell University Law School states that â€Å"A person accused of a crime can acknowledge that they committed the crime, but argue that they are not responsible for it because of their mental illnessRead MoreThe Court Of The Insanity Defense1451 Words  | 6 Pagesstandard for the insanity defense arose in the British courts in 1834 when a woodturner named Daniel M’Naghten shot and killed the secretary of England’s Prime Minister. The insanity defense is a difficult, but occasionally successful defense system in a court of law. The law varies from state to state however, the idea remains the same. The defense allows a small number of defendants to get out of a crime if they are deemed legally insane. Only being approximately 180 years old, the insanity defense allowsRead MoreThe Insanity Plea Is A Common Thing1144 Words  | 5 PagesThe insanity plea is a very rare but very often used plea in court. Many people try to get away with their crimes by pleading not guilty for reason of insanity but very rarely do people get by with it. There have been many tests and rules made since the insanity plea became a common thing. With every test, people would find loop holes and way through the system. The test we currently use is very specific and very hard to pass by and that is why so many people cannot plead guilty for reason of
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Law and the Legal Consequences Polly and Grace
Question: Discuss about the Law and the Legal Consequences Polly and Grace. Answer: Issue Whether Frank committed trespass on Graces land Whether Polly is personally liable to get her sheep back from Frank Law The term trespass refers to a direct, wrongful negligent or intentional interference with the interest of another person or the persons integrity. The interests of the person include the possession or ownership of goods or lands. Intentional torts may be committed against the personal property of any person. Personal property refers to any moveable property including goods or chattels[1]. The following are the three kinds of individual torts that include trespass to personal property: Conversion- it is applicable when the goods have been completely destroyed; Trespass to goods or chattels- it is applicable when the interference with the goods did not cause damage to the goods; Detinue- it refers to the wrongful detention of the goods; The trespass to goods takes place when the defendant intentionally and directly interferes with the goods that are in the possession of the plaintiff at the time of committing such interference as was held in Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd v Elliot [1946] 74 CLR 204. The person who is in the actual possession of the goods at the time of the interference shall be entitled to bring a legal action against the wrongdoer[2]. As mentioned earlier that detinue is the detention of the goods in a wrongful manner. A legal action against detinue shall lie if the goods are wrongfully detained and a demand for returning the goods has been made. Therefore, the prerequisites for bringing an action on the grounds of detinue are wrongful detention of goods; demand for such goods and a refusal to return the detained goods[3]. Detention of goods In case goods are wrongfully detained, the defendant must possess the goods for some time; however, the goods need not be in the possession of the defendant at the time when the demand for returning the goods is made[4]. Moreover, besides possessing another persons goods without the permission of such person, the defendant must have an intention to keep the goods against the rights of the owner of such goods. Demand and Refusal In Egan v State Transport Authority [1982] 31 SASR 481, it was held that the demand for the return of the goods need not be in writing, an oral demand is sufficient and valid, however, the demand must be unequivocal and it must clearly provide instructions to return the goods. The refusal of the defendant must be unreasonable and unequivocal. A defendant shall also be held liable in detinue in the event of an unintentional or innocent loss of such detained goods as was observed in John F Goulding Pty Ltd v Victorian Railway Commissioners [1932] 48 CLR 157. The defendant may exempt his liabilities if it is established that the detention was unintentional or adequate care has been taken care of such goods. Further, the defendant may after receiving such demand for returning the goods, request time for confirming the authenticity of the rights of the claimant[5]. The intentional interferences with land are also actionable under the torts law. In Plenty v Dillon [1991] 171 CLR 635 it was held that trespass to land takes place when there is an intentional and direct interference with the real property of any person without permission or consent, where such property is in exclusive possession of the person. In order to bring a legal action against trespass to land the plaintiff must establish the following requisites: Possession- it is imperative that the land is in exclusive possession of the plaintiff, which implies that the plaintiff has a contractual right to occupy the land and has the right to exclude others from the possession of the land. Land (subject matter) the tort of action is concerned with the direct interference with the land. Land includes factory, house or any equipment that is permanently attached to the crops, land and airspace. Direct Interference- in order to establish tort of trespass to land, there must be a direct interference of the defendant. A person may commit trespass against the land of a person in the following five ways. Where there is no authority to enter at all, a person may commit trespass by entering into the premises. Erection of any building may be treated as an unlawful entry to the land where such erection amounts to trespass. Where an authority to enter exists but such entrance is restricted to specific purpose and entry for other purpose shall amount to trespass. Where a person has entered under license but such person refuses to leave after the expiry of the license. If a person enters into a land and thrusts any objects onto the land without authorization or lawful consent, shall commit a trespass to land. If a person enters onto a land with the consent of the person in possession of the land does not amounts to trespass. Consent may be express, implied, or authorized by law. Express permission exists when a person in possession of land permits another person to enter into the land for a specified purpose[6]. If the license enters into the land for a different purpose other than the purpose permitted by the plaintiff, the licensee shall be held liable for committing trespass as was held in Barker v R [1983] 153 CLR 338. Application In the given scenario, Polly asks Grace to look after her sheep for two months and allow them to graze in the far back paddock. Grace instead, moved them with her with other petting zoo animals. Franks bespoke-bred sheep were stolen a year ago. When Ethan showed him the pictures of the sheep in Graces petting zoo, he was shocked to see that the sheep looked identical to his missing bespoke-bred sheep. He was convinced that they were his missing flock and entered into Graces land and stole all the 10 sheep from the petting zoo. Here, Frank entered into Graces land without her permission with the intention to steal the sheep from her petting zoo. His conduct amounts to trespass to land as well as detinue. Detinue is the wrongful detention of goods of other person who has exclusive possession over the goods. In order to bring an action on the grounds of detinue, the plaintiff must establish that the requisites of detinue have been fulfilled. The requisites of detinue are wrongful detention of goods; demand for such goods and a refusal to return the detained goods as was held in Egan v State Transport Authority [1982]. In the given case, Frank has wrongfully detained the flock that was in the actual possession of Polly without her consent or any lawful authorization. Polly demanded Frank to return her flock within 7 days otherwise; she would bring a legal action against him. Frank refused to return the sheep on the ground that he is waiting to confirm the ownership of the flock from Biosecurity Queensland. However, the defendant may exempt his liabilities if it is established that the detention was unintentional or adequate care has been taken care of such goods. Further, the defendant may after receiving such demand for returning the goods, request time for confirming the authenticity of the rights of the claimant[7]. Here, Frank may use the defense that he has taken adequate care of the sheep. Regarding the refusal for returning the sheep to Polly, he may exempt his liabilities on the ground that he was waiting for the confirmation of the ownership of the flock until then he cannot return them. Further, in this case, with respect to Ethans liability for committing trespass on Graces land, Grace has permitted the public with a free entry to enjoy her petting zoo and the grounds of her property on the condition that smoking, alcohol and photography on her land was strictly prohibited. However, Ethan was caught drinking whisky and taking photos by the eco pond. Grace had caught Ethan and asked him to leave many times before on the ground of drinking and clicking photos. In this case, Ethans conduct amounts to trespass to land because when a person enters onto the land of another person who is in an exclusive possession of the land, without any lawful authority or consent of such person, the person entering is said to have committed trespass to land. Grace was in exclusive possession of the land and has given express consent to public to visit her petting zoo and garden, situated on her land with the condition that smoking, alcohol and photography is prohibited. However, when the licensee is allowed to enter the land of another person for specific purpose but he enters for another purpose, the person so entering is liable for committing trespass to land. However, Grace can revoke her permission at any time she wants and prohibit Frank from entering onto her land instead of merely relying on her intention to exclude him from her land. Frank may use the defense of contributory negligence stating that Grace has caught him many times but never stopped hi m from entering the premises. Conclusion Ethan has committed trespass to land and the Polly may recover her flock after the confirmation of the ownership of the flock. However, Grace may be entitled to compensatory damages for the loss of her earning capacity and Grace may be entitled to nominal damages for infringement of her rights to her land. References Barker v R [1983] 153 CLR 338 Beever, Allan.A Theory of Tort Liability. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016. Bermingham, Vera, and Carol Brennan.Tortlaw directions. Oxford University Press, 2016. Ciocchetti, Corey. "7 Things You Need to Know About: Torts (Lecture Slides)." (2015). Egan v State Transport Authority [1982] 31 SASR 481 John F Goulding Pty Ltd v Victorian Railway Commissioners [1932] 48 CLR 157. Li, Xiang, and Jigang Jin. "Tortious Act and Tort Liability."Concise Chinese Tort Laws. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. 11-21. Mullins, Gerard, and Susan Griffiths. "Intentional torts and the civil liability legislation."Precedent (Sydney, NSW)130 (2015): 15. Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd v Elliot [1946] 74 CLR 204 Plenty v Dillon [1991] 171 CLR 635 Steele, J., and Tort Law. "Text, Cases and Materials." (2014). Stickley, Amanda. "The importance of intention."Australian Civil Liability13.7 (2016): 104-106. Stickley, Amanda. "The importance of intention."Australian Civil Liability13.7 (2016): 104-106. Ciocchetti, Corey. "7 Things You Need to Know About: Torts (Lecture Slides)." (2015). Bermingham, Vera, and Carol Brennan.Tortlaw directions. Oxford University Press, 2016. Mullins, Gerard, and Susan Griffiths. "Intentional torts and the civil liability legislation."Precedent (Sydney, NSW)130 (2015): 15. Beever, Allan.A Theory of Tort Liability. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016. Li, Xiang, and Jigang Jin. "Tortious Act and Tort Liability."Concise Chinese Tort Laws. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. 11-21. Steele, J., and Tort Law. "Text, Cases and Materials." (2014).
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Racial Prejudice in the Movie Crash Essay Example
Racial Prejudice in the Movie Crash Essay The collision between race, power, and greed doesn’t begin to explain the dynamic Paul Haggis directs with the 2004 Academy Award winning film Crash.The dynamic of serving as a law enforcement agent and being a white male is a double edged sword. On one end, the individual is responsible for protecting and serving those in their area. The other end is being historically in control of everything and privileged. This combination can lead some to perform unjust actions and Officer John Ryan is not an exception.Officer Ryan’s prejudice toward other ethnic groups, leads him to assume that people usually act according to their ethnic group. Eventually, Officer Ryan comes to the realization that it is morally correct to treat people as individuals, not races. The introduction of Officer Ryan, shows he doesn’t think â€Å"Shaniqua,†who he assumes is an African American, deserves to be manager. He assumes since she is black she earned her job not from merit but rather from affirmative action. In later scenes, Ryan attempts to sympathize with Shaniqua, in person, to convince her how desperate he is for his father’s medication, but eventually is denied again. At this point, Officer Ryan begins to belittle her, stating the only reason she is sitting in that seat is that of her race and affirmative action that many other white people are far more qualified than she is. Officer Ryan even explains how his father suffered from affirmative action and was put out of business, when he never discriminated and would hire any hard worker. Afterward, Shaniqua said she would have considered Ryan’s request if his father had been present but again, she denies him. Ryan leaves frustrated and denies the possibility that a black w oman is capable of earning a supervisor position. Though it is unclear how Shaniqua earned her position, no one has the authority to degrade a person because of their race and ethnicity. We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Prejudice in the Movie Crash specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Prejudice in the Movie Crash specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Prejudice in the Movie Crash specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Later in the movie, Officer Ryan, an
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Affirmative Action misc5 essays
Affirmative Action misc5 essays Affirmative action has been the subject of increasing debate and tension in American society. Affirmative action is the nations most ambitious attempt to redress the issues of racial and sexual discrimination. According to the University of Rhode Island, Affirmative action is defined as, the specific actions in recruitment, hiring, upgrading and other areas designed and taken for the purpose of eliminating the present effects of past discrimination, or present discrimination ( , 8). This allows minorities and women to be given special consideration in education and many other areas. The need for affirmative action is essential to college admissions credentials. Institutions with affirmative action policies generally set goals for increased diversity and equal opportunity among minority students. Our society is not one of equality, but affirmative action provides a way that problems with inequality can be address to the public. Minorities such as African-Americans, Asians, and Hispanics live mostly in urban areas that have large populations. Therefore, many minorities normally attend lower quality schools. Colleges usually do not take into account that students come from different backgrounds and different quality schools. The students that have better intermediate and secondary schools have an advantage in college admissions, which exclude many minorities. Affirmative action helps students who come from a lower quality secondary school to have a chance to prove themselves in accredited college. Another advantage of affirmative action is that it provides an environment of diversity. Diversity is essential to colleges and students. As part of higher education, students learn from face-to-face interaction with faculty member and other students to work productively inside and outside the classroom. Racial diversity can enhance college atmosphere by improving communications. It can also deve...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gender Inequality In The Workforce In Canadian Society Research Paper
Gender Inequality In The Workforce In Canadian Society - Research Paper Example Road map This paper is mainly going to discuss the reasons as to why gender inequality is still prevalent in the Canadian workforce. The discussion will give various indicators of gender inequality in the Canadian workforce. Under each indicator, the paper is going to discuss the most probable reasons as to why the indicators are still common in the Canadian workforce. The discussion is also going to show some the factors that are believed to be the highest contributors of gender inequality in the Canadian workforce. Discussion The most common indicator of gender inequality in the workforce in Canadian society is labor compensation. When a research was carried out in Canada to discover the payment that women were given in comparison to their male counterparts with the same amount of experience. It was discovered that their salaries were at least 15% less than what their male counterparts of the same work level earn. This is something that is believed to be very common with a good number of employers in Canada. One thing that is believed to be leading to the inequality in the payment of human labor in Canada is the fact that women are not aware of the fact that they are being paid less in comparison with their male counterparts of the same job level. When people are employed the payment terms are always exclusive and the details are always held secretly by themselves and the company. Some organizations even have policies that make it illegal for employees to discuss wages with each other.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Professional Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Professional Article Review - Essay Example The present study aims to investigate the long term impacts of MPH on ADHD affected children and comparative affect of academic intervention along with other covariates age, sex, IQ etc. The study involved 85 children with ADHD and within the age group of 5-12 years. Baseline assessments included Wide range achievement test-revised (WRAT-R), parent and teacher rating of ADHD symptoms and academic achievement, estimated intellectual ability, OCHS academic and psychosocial ratings, duration of medication and academic support. Post baseline assessments, children were randomly assigned to MPH treatment and placebo group in a double blind trial, the treatment group administered with a gradually rising dose of 5mg/administration to reach a target dose of 0.7mg/Kg body weight. Treatment was followed for 12 months keeping other conditions uniform, and the assessments done at baseline were repeated after the 12 month treatment period. Regression analysis was done to estimate academic performa nce one for each subset of WRAT-R and for parent and teacher ratings with baseline covariates and total treatments as variables. The results indicated that neither medication nor academic interventions could be attributed to significant improvement in academic performance compared to baseline values. Critical Evaluation Studies on ADHD lack evidences of mechanism of associations between academic underachievement and ADHD and stimulants have been recommended based on short term trials showing positive impacts on symptoms in general. However, the authors rightly claim that data for long term and cumulative impact of MPH is unavailable. The procedure followed by the authors is exhaustive involving baseline and post treatment assessments which are both subjective as well as objective. The explanations to the assessments, their design are either complete or are properly referenced, so as to enable repeatability. Both WISC-R and Ontario Child Health Scale (OCHS) are established clinical t ool for IQ assessment of children with learning disabilities and ADHD. Objective ratings make the results easy to conduct and results specific. Crossing over among children from the placebo and treatment groups was allowed but records were maintained. These records helped in estimating the total time of medication which represented cumulative effects of MPH, and the medication status at end of trial was indicative of the current effect. The continuation of additional interventions in form of academic support in addition to randomization of parents to training or self help group along with cross design, ensured that the trial were highly naturalistic. While allowing for naturalistic design lead to lack of control on some important variables however the same was partially overcome by use of multiple regression analysis. The nature of academic support provided to the children was one very important variable. Regression analysis used also helped to overcome the loss in numbers due to cr ossing over during the study. Disparities in the results for objective and subjective assessments indicate that the efficacy of MPH is based on prejudices and is overrated. The author claims that medication does not have
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Media - Research Paper Example Illustrative of this changing landscape are the 2004 presidential election campaigns. The top Democratic and Republican candidates were John Kerry and George W. Bush. Some of the key issues on which the campaigns turned included: the invasion on Iraq and generally the war on terror and defense issues, gay marriages, abortion, health, environmental issues, education, budget, trade and issues of gun control. It is on these controversial issues that voters divided between both the Republican and Democratic camps. It is mainly on media, specifically ad campaigning that opponents communicate ideas to the populace and it has proved instrumental in influencing voting patterns, voter turnout and even tipping the vote in tight races the main focus being in battleground states. The race between Bush and Kerry was so close that many issues were predicted to be likely to tip on the balance. One of these was television ad campaigns. The amount of financial resources spent was staggering. In 2004, with fifty sponsors, the Republicans having nineteen and Democrats the rest, hundreds of ads were aired up to over 670, 000 times in prime markets and on cable. Over $ 550, 000 was spent by these sources. Swift boating or shadowing can also be a function of election advertising campaigns; analogous to smear campaigns, these are attacks on an opponent’s credibility and patriotism. ... The Bush-Kerry race was a competitive one and one in which commercials were a dominant and decisive feature. The unprecedented amount spent on the 2004 election ad campaigns is one of its distinctive features. The second was that it commenced earlier than had been witnessed before, on March 4th and third was the record set by outsiders, non-candidate groups for example the SBVT, a veteran group which felt itself bound to step forward to apparently correct Kerry’s ‘exaggerated’ claims about his service in Vietnam. An anonymous source is of the view that while investigations into the effects of political ad campaigns hasn’t been proven to improve voter turnout or set the pace for the discussion of issues or other agenda they are widely agreed to affect a voter’s choice, stimulate interest in the election, help change perceptions about a candidate and generally increase knowledge on issues and policy. Candidates in election ads can acclaim defend or att ack. Research according to Gallup & Newport shows that attacks on policy rather than the character or person are more effective. There are two major ads that can prove the statistics right. Kerry's "fought for his country" ad and George Bush's "100 days" ad are perfect examples of what electoral electioneering encompasses. â€Å"Fought for his country†- John Kerry The words spoken are in normal print whereas the music is italicized and the images are in prentices. The ad opens with a three way split-screen. As the announcer begins on Kerry’s history and soft music starts in the background and piano strokes continue throughout the whole commercial. Its upbeat music that progressively increases in tempo and pitch throughout the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Religious Architecture From The Stone Age History Essay
Religious Architecture From The Stone Age History Essay Religious architecture has always played an important part in the development of architecture. At the same time, religious architecture mirrors religious views of people and the major beliefs of the society. Religious buildings and architectural structures performed an important function in the life of the society because they were places where people could worship their deities and share their common values and beliefs. Often, religious buildings and structures were places, where people could find the psychological assistance from the part of priests or other believers. In addition, religious architecture contributed to the promotion of religious beliefs because its main purpose was to impress the public and to serve as a bridge between the real world and the divine world, between believers and deities. In this regard, the development of religious architecture mirrors the transformation of religious views of people and, at the same time, the evolution of religious architecture allow s to trace the evolution of religious views of people in the course of centuries, from the Stone Age to the Gothic Era. The development of religious architecture dates back to the Stone Age, when people have just started to develop early architectural forms. In fact, the Stone Age was the time, when religious views of people were uncertain, they develop animism, totemic religious views and other religious and beliefs, which were grounded on their perception of the surrounding nature and their inability to comprehend adequately natural phenomena and to condition their environment to their needs. As a result, the early religious views of people of the Stone Age involved the worshiping of the power of nature, including the worshiping of son, wind, rain, and other natural phenomena. At the same time, the religious architecture developed respectively to these beliefs of people. In actuality, only a few manifestations of religious architecture of the Stone Age have survived till present days. In this regard, it is possible to refer to the Stonehenge as one of the most impressing architectural works of the S tone Age. In fact, specialists () keep debating concerning the purpose of the Stonehenge. In this regard, the religious function of the Stonehenge is just one of the versions what the Stonehenge was actually built for. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Stonehenge was constructed accurately and respectively to astronomic observations of ancient architects. The use of natural materials in the construction of the Stonehenge reveal the respect of people to the power of nature but the construction of the Stonehenge impresses even the contemporary public, whereas in the Neolithic time, the public was even more impressed by such a magnificent architectural work. At the same time, the impact of the Stonehenge on the public reveals the significance of religious architecture and religion for people of the Stone Age. In the ancient world, religious architecture kept progressing, especially in centers of ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. The common feature of the ancient religious architecture was the construction of temples dedicated to many gods. In fact, there were attempts to introduce monotheism and to develop temples dedicated to one god only but all those attempts failed. It was only in the late Roman period, monotheistic religion and religious architecture had started to emerge but they still competed with the dominating polytheistic views and traditional religious architecture. The domination of polytheism contributed to the construction of temples dedicated to different gods. In this respect, it is possible to refer to Roman Pantheon, as well as numerous temples dedicated to different gods not only in Rome but also in ancient Greece, Egypt and other cultural centers of the ancient world. The situation has started to change consistent in the Middle Ages. As the matter of fact, the Medieval religious architecture was the architecture dominated by monotheistic views, at least in Europe and Islamic countries of Asia and Africa. In the Middle Ages, religious architecture gave in to the dominated monotheism and temples and churches constructed in the Middle Ages were oriented on the worshiping of one god only. At the same time, it is still possible to trace the common purpose of the religious architecture of the ancient world and the Medieval era. The main purpose of the religious architecture was to attract the public, to impress the public, and what was even more important, to make people attending temples and worshiping the god. In such a way, temples still played the role of cultural and scientific centers, although the latter was quite paradoxical from the contemporary point of view. The religious architecture was characterized by the wide use of arcs and dooms in rel igious buildings, especially churches as well as mosques. The difference in style was determined by local peculiarities but the main point of construction of religious buildings was to provide believers with the possibility to assemble together and worship their god. The Gothic architecture was the new step in the development of the religious architecture and the Gothic religious architecture was mainly the characteristic of European or, to put it more precisely, western European religious architecture. The Gothic architecture was traditionally associated with cathedrals, such as the Notre Dame de Paris. These cathedrals were monumental works with large arch windows, high ceiling and sharp roofs, ribbed vaults, and flying buttress. In fact, the Gothic religious architecture was really impressing and it was different from the Roman style, which used to be popular in the Middle Ages. In actuality, the Gothic religious architecture impressed the imagination of the public. At the same time, these religious buildings often included elements, such as statues of some fancied animals, which frightened, in a way, the public. In such a way, the Gothic religious architecture attempted to combine the classical medieval architecture with new trends and tradit ions of ancient architecture. Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the development of the religious architecture contributed to the consistent changes in the use of forms and styles of religious buildings and constructions. The religious architecture changed respectively to the change of the religion and religious of people and mirrored these changes. The religious architecture grew more and more complicated from the Stone Age, with its simplicity of forms and styles, to the Gothic religious architecture, with its extremely complicated forms and styles. Obviously, the development of the religious architecture aimed at the promotion of religion but, in addition, the religious architecture played an important cultural part because it stimulated the respect of people to religion because many religious buildings were true works of art.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Kite Tunner
In The Kite Runner, even though Hassan remains loyal, forgiving, and good natured, he is still the character who suffers the most. Hassan is a character who is discriminated against from the start of the book, till the very end. He is a part of a poor ethnic group called Hazaras whom are considered victims in the Afghan society. Amir and Hassan are half brothers, but because Hassan was a Hazara, he grew up in a hut as a servant working for his own father. Hassan understands his inferiority and accepts it, which causes other people to take advantage of him by betraying him. For example, even though Hassan always stood up for Amir, Amir left Hassan to get raped. Hassan was too scared to stand up for his best friend and believed that Hassan is sacrificing himself for Amir. Not only was the rape an attack physically, but it is also an attack on the victim’s emotions and dignity. In the Kite Runner, Hassan suffers the most pain both physically and mentally by living his life being betrayed, discriminated and losing his family. To start off, Hassan is a poor ethnic Hazara, he is considered inferior to the Afghan society, and therefore is discriminated throughout the whole novel. For example, Hassan and Amir both have the same rich father, but because Hassan was illegitimate and was a Hazara, he grew up as a servant in his father’s hut. With this in mind, Hassan is discriminated by everyone even his own family even the ones who Hassam didn’t even know was his family. Discrimination is so significant in his life that he has accepted the fact that he was born to be hated for his appearance. Hassan’s biological father Baba lies to Hassan and doesn’t even tell him that he is his real father. Despite the fact that Hassan gets discriminated upon, he still remains loyal and forgiving. Another example would be when the Taliban wanted Baba’s house and when they found out that Hassan and his wife were kuvubg u but alone, they wouldn’t listen to him when he tried to explain that Rahim Khan was the owner and they were waiting his return. The Taliban of course shot Hassan and his wife leaving Sohrab alone. The Taliban who show Hassan and his Wife were dismissed from their trial because they said it was self defence. They were dismissed because they have no proof that the Hazaras attacked the Taliban because no one would stand up for Hazaras. With this in mind, Hassan has died In addition, despite the fact that everyone knows that Hassan is good natured, he still is betrayed many times in the story mostly by his best friend Amir. In detail, Amir treats Hassan unfairly even thought he knows that Hassan will be good about it. For example, Amir left Hassan to get raped by Assef in the alley Hassan taught him incorrect meaning of words. Even after Amir betrays Amir, Hassan continues to serve him. and abandoning him even though Hassan saved him countless amounts of time. Amir only does this because When Assef asked Amir why he’s friends with a Hazara, Amir said that he’s his servant and nothing more. Amir didn’t know that Hassan was his half brother, which leads Amir to take advantage of Hassan. Rape is one of the events in the story that happens to Hassan that makes him suffer the most. In this story, rape is not just physically violent, but it is also an attack on the victim’s emotions and dignity. The fact that Hassan didn’t resist just proves his role in society and how he accepts punishment that is given upon him. The rape proves that he doesn’t care about his own suffering Lastly, Hassan suffers by losing the people who were once family to him. Hassan suffers because his half brother Amir is the reason why Hassan and Ali left the house. In fact, Hassan has it tougher than Amir from the beginning. Not only did he lose his mother, his mother rejected him at birth. Sanaubar had taken one glance at the baby in Ali's arms, seen the cleft lip, and barked a bitter laughter. [†¦ ]. She had refused to even hold Hassan, and just five days later she was gone. (29). This event has left Hassan motherless ever since birth. He is separated from his beloved Amir and Baba whom he spent his whole life with. Another example would be when his mother left and rejected him at birth
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hrm- Evaluation of Training
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 37 (2010)  © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2010 http://www. eurojournals. com/finance. htm Methods of Evaluation: Training Techniques Mahmoud M. AL-Ajlouni Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Business Administration Irbid National University, Irbid Jordan E-mail: [email protected] com Salah M. H Athamneh Assistant Professor, Deptt. Humanities Jordan University of Science and technology Irbid, Jordan Abdulnaser A.Jaradat Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Marketing Irbid National University, Irbid, Jordan Abstract The Evaluation of any training programme has certain aims to fulfill. These are concerned with the determination of change in the organizational behavior and the change needed in the organizational structure. Hence evaluation of any training program must inform us whether the training programme has been able to deliver the goals and objectives in terms of cost incurred and benefits achieved.The analysis of the information is the concluding part of any evaluation programme. The analysis of data should be summarized and then compared with the data of other training programmes similar nature. On the basis of these comparisons, problems and strength should be identified which would help the trainer in this future training programmes, to stop short of completion of the training systems design methodology, by avoiding the evaluation,our training effectiveness is reneging on our commitment to our students.The future requires more precise, reliable evaluation strategies, we like to think of training effectiveness evaluation in the same way that we think of surveillance tests in the plant, we perform training effectiveness evaluations to ensure our programmes work effectively. Keywords: Training Programme, On –the-Job-Training, Off-the-Job-Training, Training Techniques,Evaluation Methods. IntroductionIn the modern computer era training has gained the reputation of dynamic concept wh ich needs to be understood in that perspective most of the modern organization which do not respond to the dynamic change that are seen in changed environment may well fail to respond to the needs of organization and people. Hence organization virtually needs to aspire to respond to the change in the environment. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) 57 These changes may be concerned with organizational or individual behavior may be concerned with the structural change.Training is one of most important and effective means of bringing about change in an organization. Training is system which feed the needs. Skills. And knowledge of the people working in the organization†¦ these skills and knowledge are acquired to fulfill a specify purpose or goal. Concept of Training Training has been defined by a number of scholars and trainers like Change agents. Some of the definitions are as follows: According to Fllippo:†the act of increasi ng the skills of an employee for doing a particular Job†can be termed as training. Similarly Steinmetz has observed. â€Å"Training is a term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-personnel learns technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose†. 2 From the above definitions it can asserted training is a technique concerned with the development of skills and knowledge in particular actor discipline. Training enhances and improves person’s skills. Imparts knowledge to change person’s attitudes and values towards a particular direction. William G. Torpey has defined training as â€Å"the process of developing skills. Habits.Knowledge and attitudes in employees for the purpose of increasing effectiveness of employees in their present government positions as well as preparing employees for future government positions†. 3 The above definition of training is based on assumption that all training is not necessary and al l training is not beneficial. Training is a technique which properly focuses and direct towards the achievement of particular goals and objectives of the organization. Hence identification of training needs is first and probably the most important step towards the identification of training techniques.The process of identifying training needs is carefully thought out programme that needs to be carried out with sensitivity because success of a training programme may be crucial for the survival of the organization. Objectives of training must be determined to pave way for the assertion of proper techniques of training. Training is imparted to people in organization with certain defined objectives and goals. However it must be remembered that the goals and objectives of organization differ to a great extent. Hence the defined objectives of a training programme should be assessed in the light of the goals of that organization.In 1944. Assheton Committee stated the objectives of training in the following manner: 4 (a) It endeavors to produce a civil servant whose precision and clarity in the transaction of business can be taken for granted. (b) It helps attuning the civil servant to the task he is called upon to perform in a changing world. It in other words helps him to adjust his outlook and methods to the changing needs of new times. (c) It saves the civil servant from becoming a robot like mechanically perfect civil servant. He is made aware of his work and the service that he is required to render to his community. d) It not only enables an individual to perform his current work more efficiently but also fits him for other duties. It develops in him capacity for higher work and greater responsibilities. (e) It pays substantial regard to staff moral as latter have to perform tasks of a routine character throughout their lives. Bhagwan and Bhushan have also identified the following objectives of training: 5 (a) For the performance certain peculiar activities per taining to the government training plays a significant part. 58International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) (b) Training helps the employees to become people oriented and inculcates in them respect and regard for general public. (c) It broadens the vision and widens the outlook of the employees by explaining to them to make substantial contribution towards realization. (d) It is vital to a career service. It lists them for advancement which is assured to the employees when they join the government service at young age. (e) It improves the lone and adds to the quality of organization.Since it enhances the efficiency of the employees and develops their capacities. The efficiency and prestige of the department goes up. (f) It fosters homogeneity of out look and esprit de crops in the employees. Identification of Training Needs Training is a specialized function. Hence trainer must know exactly what is required from the training programme in accordanc e to the identified tools framework techniques processes are identified in designing and implementing efficient effective timely and productive training programmes for those who require it.Training needs also determine the nature of training program. Formulation of training program includes those factors that are related to the evaluation of the program in terms of techniques and skills can be properly considered. Any training program must take into consideration three fundamental behavioral aspects:Organization, people, and environment as far as organization are concerned their survival rests on a certain minimum achievement of goals and objectives which are pre defined to customers owners. Employees. etc. ll these factors are continuously interacting with the organization whose objectives and goals have been formulated so to benefit the members of the organization intermittently The second assumption that needs to taken into consideration is the fact that these objectives can be a chieved only through harnessing the abilities of its people. Releasing potential and maximizing opportunities for development. In others words. The achievement of objectives and goals can be effectively and effectively achieved only if people within the organization possess adequate skills and abilities.If they do not possess the skills and abilities required. the objectives and goals cannot be achieved effectively and effectively achieved only if they do not possess the skills and abilities. if they do not possess the skills and abilities required. The objectives and goals cannot be achieved effectively and efficiently. Hence proper assessment of the abilities and skills of the employees must be considered before any training programme is be formulated . The third assumption is to assess the capability potential of the employees. The people who are engaged in the accomplishment of goals and objectives.In the new perspective, are capable of new learning. If the employees do not poss ess the required potential to adapt themselves to the new environment. The chances of training programs being a success will be doubtful. The fourth assumption about people is concernd with the level of ability and the desire to learn. Training is all about learning. learning organization basically involves people who make or break organization. the organization should be able to provide adequate opportunities and resources where people are able to learn through training new concepts. nd techniques of management. the assumption is also concerned with matching of achieving organizational goals on one hand and on the other providing attractive learning opportunities. the third assumption basically requires that the programmers of training should be so designed so as to provide learning opportunities that are effective and efficient. the objective of training is fulfill the individual needs of the employees and that of the organization as well . The fifth assumption is concerned with t he environment variable. In a dynamic situation.Environment continues to put new pressures and demands upon the system even if it is for survival only. Because of liberalization, competition has become severe and public sector as well private sector has to compete with each other in order to stay a viable entity. Hence changes in the environment can International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) 59 no more be overlooked but need to understood and adapted to. The need for training, therefore, becomes inevitable. Once it is established that need for training is a necessity. The question arises what type of training is required to meet the three challenges.Another important question that comes to mind is whether the training programmed is able to change the pattern of behavior for which it was trained and how effectiveness is will be measured. Before discussing venous types of techniques of evaluation. A close look at various types of training methods will be locked into. With regard to people working in the organization needs and aspiration of the people must be properly evaluated. Specification of training needs means translating the needs of people into specific needs and achieving those aspirations by training programmers.Basic idea behind this evaluation is to make organization learning organization. According to Senge. Where people continually expand their capacity to create results they truly desire. Where new and expansive paupers are nurtured. Where collective aspiration is set free. And where people are continually learning how to learn together. 6 Factors Influencing Training Needs Organizations are complex and dynamic in nature and their effectiveness depends on number of factors. Complexity of organization is again a multifaceted implication of various factors being determined by various environmental factors.Hence the nature of complexity of a given organization needs to be evaluated before determining its training needs. Some of the factors that increase complexity are being discussed keeping in view that all are not determinants of complexity for all organization. Technology in the computer age is being upgraded frequently and hence is the most important factors in increasing the complexity of an organization .. structurally as well as behaviorally. According of Frances and Bee. Technology is changing an ever increasing rate. Today’s state –of-the-art computer is tomorrows junk. Robot assembly pants.Laser printers. â€Å"Transplant and genetic surgery wherever the workplace whatever the task. There appears to be a technological solution for everything†. 7 The technological changes are influencing the basic settings of organization. The technological changes are not only concerned with the structure or gadgets of an organization but these changes also influence the behavioral aspect of the very people who are working in the organization. However people do not usually change in technology and its environment. Change can be brought about in a smooth manner only through training techniques.Another important factor that needs to be taken into consideration is concerned with social changes that are taking place in the new social environment. For most organization internal compilations are bound to change in the computer age. People from different backgrounds, women. People from diverse nations will from the workforce of modern organizations. With increasing diversity in the culture. The organizations are bound to receive culture shock. Organization with their exiting format will not be in position to absorb this culture shock.The change agent will be playing an important role in providing appropriate training to absorb culture shock. The third factor that has influenced training needs is related the new role that the government are being asked to play. The governments are being asked to play sensitive role of controlling the business ethi cal activities on one hand and safeguarding the interests of consumer on the other. In the era of privatization and globalization. The governments are formulating legislation to facilitate business activity both public and private as well as safeguarding the consumer interest.Thus managers and CEOs need to be acquainted to the new legislation that are being enacted from time to time. The fourth factor that has influenced the training needs is the emerging competitive market Conditions. It may be asserted that the public and private sector, even in monopolistic conditions. Have to face competition. The pertinent question is whether the new market situation will force the 60 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) organization to go in for training as they are going to face new marketing situations in the times to come.Will the new emerging conditions give rise to pressure groups that have henceforth not been seen in the business world. Basical ly organizations are going to face situations that are the result of competitive markets and development of consumerism. Many of the managers in the public and private sector could not possibly have been oriented towards these new situations. Hence need f training is unavoidable. The fifth factor influencing the training needs related to internal management of an organization. Internally organizations are going to face new dilemmas and problems.Business needs are fulfilled by the human resources that exist within the framework of internal structure. Any strategic plan which does not take this fact into account is bound to face numerous problems. There will be a continuous pressure on the organization to improve performance. Human resources, like managers, workers, staff, and others, have to be kept up to date in expertise and at the same times need to be motivated to perform better. This is a difficult task which cannot be handled by the staff of the organization. Experts called cha nge agents are required to fulfill the task.Training needs cannot be overlooked because it is an on going process. In addition. Training is now considered a specialized function to be performed by the experts. Techniques of Training The object of this paper is not to discuss various techniques of training. Hence training techniques are being short listed for the purpose of their identification for evaluation purpose. However we would like to throw light on some of modern techniques of training. Some of the training techniques that are often used for reeducation purpose are: 1. On –the-job- training. 2. Demonstration. 3. Job instruction training. 4. Vestibule training. 5.Apprenticeship. 6. Coaching –Understudy. 7. Job rotation. 8. Lectures and conferences. 9. Syndicate. 10. Simulation training. 11. Role playing. 12. In-basket exercise. 13. Management game. 14. Sensitivity training. 15. Transactional analysis. 16. Organization development. A detailed discussion of these techniques can be referred to many text books. 8 Here we would like to discuss some of the training techniques that are considered by the experts as essential for improving the performance of organization in competitive situations. Diversity training is becoming extremely important for the organizations that are complex in nature.The work force of these enterprises is divers in nature. Various diverse group from different cultural and social background join one institution and thus submerging various cultural into one. The diverse work force has to be trained so as to provide some from of commonality. Various methods are adopted to provide diversity training. According to Fred Luthans one method of divers training involves putting trainees into groups based on ethnic origin. Then each group is asked to describe the others and listen to the way its own group is described. 9 Another methods of diversity training has been stated in the following manner.International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) 61 Another widely used approach is diversity board games. Which require the participants to answer questions related to areas such as gender. Race cultural differences. Age issues. Sexual orientation. And disabilities. On the basis of the response, the games players are able to advance on the board or are forced to back up. 10 The objectives of theses types of games are to acquaint the players in a non threatening manner with legal rules and restrictions regarding how to manage members of the diverse groups.The third method of divers training concerned with participant focus on cultural issues such how to interact with personal from other countries. It may be added that many of the training programmers related to diver’s work force also use other training programmes. 11 Methods of Evaluation of Training Programmes It is extremely important to assess the result of any training programme. The participant must be made aware of the goals and objectives of the training program and on completion of the training program, they should be asked about the impact of the concerned training programme.Evaluation of any program is a difficult task and more so of a training program. The first step toward evaluation of a training program is to define the goals and objectives of the training program. These goals and objectives should be stated in such format so that they can be measured statistically. Also both the trainer and the trainees most be well acquainted with there role in the training programme. In the evaluation of any training program. The first requirement is to collect valid and reliable data. The required data can be collected by using the fowling techniques. 2 1. Self assessments answer sheets. 2. Question confronted by the trainees. 3. Assessing the collected information and observation. 4. Final result based on earlier information plus the new data Each method of data collection has its advantages and disad vantages. Which need to taken into consideration. The merits and demerits of each method are as follows. Merits of Self Assessment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The cost factor is quite low. Data can easily collected. Time consumption of the trainer and trainee is negligible. Outside interference is completely avoided.Effective relationships develop between the trainee. Well designed answer sheet can produce healthy results . Demerits of Self Assessment 1. Self assessment is basically self evaluation which can be based of biased responses. The assessment must have enough reliability so as to draw right conclusion in regard to individual assessment. 2. The responses given by the trainees can be based on misrepresentation or misinterpretation of the questions asked. Thus self assessment questions should be small and easy to understand . in addition . no information should be sleeked which will embarrass the trainees. . The information provided by the trainees cannot be evaluated in terms of their correctness. All the trainees do not prefer to give the required information lest it may be used against at any point of time. All these problems can be easily solved. Self assessment is basically adhered to by all the training programs. However what is important to consider is to make proper effective use of this 62 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) technique as the trainees provide valuable information which the trainer can use to formulate training strategy.The second requirement for evaluating a training programme is concerned with the evaluation of the training programme when part of the training programme has been completed. The time factor must be decided before the programme is initiated and the evaluation criteria must be determined before the training programme begins. The first evaluation will give adequate information to the trainers whither the programme moving toward write direction. At the same time trainees will be able to assess the value of the program in terms of its needs and usefulness.It is extremely important to realize whether the trainees have understood the need and importance of the training programme. As this stage adequate data should be collected from the trainees to make proper evaluation of the training programme. The collect data, interview and questionnaire methods can be most effective. Interviews can be conducted by seeking information face to face, by means of telephone, or by other strategies like group discussions etc. Each of these methods has its own merits and demerits. Merits of Interviews 1. Face to face interviews ensures some response. If any responses need to be clarified.The trainer can do so instantly. Similarly if the trainees want any clarification, the same can do immediately. This helps in ensuring correct information. 2. As far telephone interviews are concerned though there is lack of personnel touch. The trainee does not feel the pressure of the interviewer to give answers that suit the trainer. The trainer can answer all those question that are complex in nature. These answers have far more validity as the responses are without any pressure. Demerits of Interviews 1. The interview is a lengthy and costly process as it requires trained and skilled personal to get results that are reliable. . Another important drawback is the possibility of the trainer being involved in the interview. 3. Data collected through interview methods may be out of date and hence difficult to interpret. Merits and Demerits of Questionnaire Questionnaires in one form or another do appear in all kinds of research and surveys. Hence it is extremely vital that the questionnaire is framed with utmost care so that it measures the variable in exactly the way it has been designed for. Once the initial design has been properly framed, a pre _ test must be conducted to find out whether the questions mean the same thing to the trainer and the trainee.If found inappropria te, the questionnaire should be redesigned and a pilot survey should be conducted. If found appropriate. Full survey should be conducted and if found inappropriate the questionnaire should be redesigned again. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire should be properly evaluated before going in for full survey. In regard to collection of data. It may be observed,â€Å"As with any method of data collection it is vital to plan how the data is to be collected. However with this method, since it does not usually involve the design of some sort of formal survey instrument such as questionnaire.It is all to easy to leap straight in without a plan. This can lead to a considerable waste of time and without a plan. This can lead to a considerable waste of time and even worse the wrong data being collected-so the message is plan and design your desk research in the same way as you would any more formal survey. †13 Thus whatever technique or method we adopt, the validity and r eliability of data must be determined. As a matter of fact the trainer must look at three factors to determine the reliability and validity of the collected data. According to Frances and bee, three key aspects must be considered in any evaluation study.These key aspects are as follows. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) 63 The first factor is concerned with the internal stability of an evaluation study. It is concerned with how well the study measures what we want or are aiming to find out. This usually involves the adequacy and appropriateness of the measuring tool. The instrument, used. What needs to be considered is that whatever instruments we use for the purpose of collecting data, we must make sure that the terminology being used actually measures the variable that we intend to measure.Whether the instrument be interview or questionnaire, the terms must elicit the kind of information that is required. The second factor is concerne d with the external validity. It is concerned with the extent that the findings can be applied bevond the group involved in the study. The conclusions drawn on the basis of collocated should not be applicable only to the group that was the basis of collection of data. On the contrary, the collected data should have the reliability and validity to the extent that its conclusions are applicable to other similar situations. 4 The third factor that needs to be considered is concerned with reliability. The reliability of an evaluation study is the extent to which the results can be replicated, i. e. if the study was repeated the results would be the same. The obvious approach to dealing with this issue is to repeat tests and observations. Also techniques, such as including the same question but in different forms, using multiple observes, etc. can be helpful. 15 The fourth factor that needs to be taken to evaluate training programme is to conduct and determine reaction level of the train ees in respect of the training programme.The reaction criteria is to be determined in terms of open discussion between the trainers, the trainees, and the management. This will give ample opportunity to the management to ascertain whether or not the training programme is achieving the objectives for which it was organized. This evaluation should be conducted half way of the training period. The reaction criteria tends to inform the trainers whether the training programme is achieving the goals as perceived by the trainers. In other words the trainers come to know the level of happiness and satisfaction of the trainees in regard to the training programme.To ascertain and collect this kind of information, the trainees may be asked to fill a self-complete questionnaire in which the trainees have to choose between a range of alternatives and answer some of the open ended questions. The self-fulfilled questionnaire seeks information in regard to entry briefing; whether the objectives of the training programme were achievable and how far have they been useful; whether the trainers performance has been satisfactory; and the training methods utility; the mid term evaluation clears the way of the trainers to reframe the training methodology and cater according to the needs of the trainees.Two fundamental problem need to be assessed in this evaluation process. The first problem is whether information seeked should or should not be collected in the name of trainee. The evaluation as far as possible be anonymous could give, probably, more accurate information than the information collected in the name of the participant. The second related issue is concerned with the venue where the information questionnaire is filled up by the trainee. It is indeed desirable that the trainee provide information away from the course environment.This mid evaluation can be very helpful in providing a lot of information that is reliable and valid. As a matter of fact mid term evaluation can be very helpful and the cost of collecting such information is not only very low but it also helps the trainees to reframe their training programs accordingly the approach of mid term evaluation allows the trainer to make comparisons between different training programs that were conducted in other organization or that were conducted by the trainer himself.However reaction criteria of mid term evaluation does generate an enormous amount of data analysis. How much of this data is used by the trainer for readjusting the structure of the training program depends on the management, trainer, and the participants. The final step in respect of evaluation of training programmes is to assess whether the basic objectives of the training programme have been achieved or not. In this step cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit techniques need to be utilized to measure the performance.This assessment will demonstrate whether the expected learning that was determined before the training programme was conduced has taken place after the conclusion of the training programme or not. 64 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010) Some of the scholars suggest that before going in for final evaluation, if feasible, one or two, in between, evaluation, can also be conducted. However too many evaluation questionnaires can disrupt the training program and can create doubts in the minds of trainees towards the effectiveness of the program in the minds of the trainees can be created.Evaluation of the training programme should be undertaken only for the purpose of feedback and restructuring of the programmes to fulfill the goals and objectives of the training program. me. The basic purpose of any training programme is to improve organizational performance i. e. to assess whether the training program has been able to achieve change that it desired from the training program. The final evaluation program must take into factors that might have affected the fin al outcome, for example, competitor initiatives, general economic conditions. Etc. erformance of an organization must be evaluative in terms of the whole unit and not parts of it. Hence any evaluation of the training programme may not result in perfect achievement of the goals. We should identify the key factors and indicators that can influence the final results of the training programme. The assessment of these factors will help in the analysis of the needs of the concerned organization. In this respect a comparative study should be made in regard to the information collected before the training programme was initiated and after the training program where changes need to be visualized and thereupon assessed.If possible a comparative study can also be made of the similar training programme conducted in other organization and analyzes the differences in the final results. At the time of collecting the final data, proper monitoring should be assured. All the required data should be c ollected to make elaborate analysis. 16 In the final analysis it can be stated that the final evaluation is the most important aspect of the training programme aspect of the training programme in order to find and determine the effectiveness of the training programme.This assessment gives a clear picture of the impact of the training program. As indicated earlier, a clear cut indicators of organizational performance determined before the start of the program will make measurement of desired change in terms of evaluation much easier to measure. Conclusion The Evaluation of any training programme has certain aims to fulfill. These are concerned with the determination of change in the organizational behavior and the change needed in the organizational structure.Hence evaluation of any training program must inform us whether the training programme has been able to deliver the goals and objectives in terms of cost incurred and benefits achieved . The analysis of the information is the co ncluding part of any evaluation programme. The analysis of data should be summarized and then compared with the data of other training programmes similar nature. On the basis of these comparisons, problems and strength should be identified which would help the trainer in his future training programmes. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 37 (2010)
Friday, November 8, 2019
poli 357 term paper
poli 357 term paper poli 357 term paper Critique of Canada’s Bill C-31 The Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act NAme ID: XXXX POLI 357 November 21st, 2014 Introduction The Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act also known as Bill C-31, is an act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Balanced Refugee Reform Act, the Marine Transportation Security Act and the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act. This Bill was introduced to parliament on February 16th, 2012. The government, led by Progressive Conservative, Stephen Harper was in a majority and therefore assured the Bill’s success. This Bill was enacted to help combat ‘Bogus’ refugees gaining refugee status in Canada. (Bill C-31, 2012) Sponsored by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration at the time, Jason Kenney, this Bill would create substantial changes to the way in which refugees access the country. This Bill would allow only the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to have the power to decide which countries are considered ‘safe’ when deciding one’s refugee status in Canada. ‘Safe’ cou ntries are described in the Bill as having a high refugee status rejection rate. This assumes that since the majority of the claims are rejected, then the claims must be unworthy of seeking refuge in Canada and therefore their current country is deemed as a safe place for all of its citizens. (Bill C-31, 2012) Rejected claimants, are assumed to be ‘Bogus’ refugees; for this paper I will be using the â€Å"Romani†of the Czech Republic as a case study. (Diop, 2014, 67-80) (Levine-Rasky, Beaudoin and St Clair, 2013, 67-93) This Bill would also make it mandatory that claimants from safe countries must wait a year before applying for compassionate or humanitarian considerations to become a permanent resident. (Bill C-31, 2012) This also makes clear that refugees in this circumstance may also be deported within that year at any time. The Bill also makes restraints on healthcare to refugees, creating stronger divisions between â€Å"us†and â€Å"them†. (Omeziri and Gore 2014, 44-53) Additionally the Bill emphasizes accelerating the process by altering the 60-day time frame to 30-45 days for the cases of refugees from â€Å"safe†or â€Å"designated countries of origin†(DCO). (Bill C-31, 2012) Lastly, this Bill would include mandatory biometrics for people applying for visas. (Bill C-31, 2012) In this paper I will argue that less power should be given to the Minister and that the stringent guidelines imposed on refugees have negatively affected both the â€Å"legitimate†and the â€Å"Bogus†refugees. Safe Countries With this Bill, there have been two new categories created. Non-Designated Countries of Origin (Non-DCO), and Designated Countries of Origin (DCO). These designations were created to define â€Å"acceptable refugee†status. (Olson, et al., 2014, 7) The Bill argues that the reasoning for this is to deter abuse of the refugee system. The ‘Safe’ countries include countries that are not seen as typically producing refugees. (Diop, 2014, 73) The speeding up of the system rejects claims faster by using stricter guidelines for a proper refugee. A claimant from a DCO country is viewed as being ‘capable’, rather than being ‘vulnerable’ and in this case is given the title ‘Bogus Refugee’. (Olson, et al. ,2014, 4) The issue with these designations is that they have successfully and stereotypically lumped thousands of people into two categories. By doing this they have left it up to the system to decide whether or not they are ‘re al’ refugees and have a greater chance of overlooking an individual’s specific case. This means that if an individual were to claim refugee status and their country is considered ‘safe’, their reasoning for seeking refuge is biased from the beginning and is more likely to be denied. Of course the claimants are still able to apply for a compassionate or humanitarian consideration; however, they are forced to wait a full year to make their claim. This is especially
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Prepare for a Test That Is 3 Months Away
Prepare for a Test That Is 3 Months Away If youre preparing to take a standardized test like the SAT or GRE (among others), you need months- not weeks or days- to get ready. Now, some people will try to prepare for a test like this by cramming at the last minute, but those people rarely achieve good test scores! In your case, youve given yourself three months, so you have plenty of time to study for whichever standardized test youre taking. This schedule should help you prepare for a test that is three months away. Month 1 Week 1 Make sure youve registered for your exam!Buy a test prep bookReview the test basics: whats on the test, length, price, test dates, registration facts, testing strategies, etc.Get a baseline score. Take one of the full-length practice tests inside the book to see what score youd get if you took the test today.Map out your time with a time management chart to see where test prep can fit in. Rearrange your schedule if necessary to accommodate test prep. Week 2 Review your test prep options if you think that studying on your own will not be ideal! Choose and purchase a test prep option (tutoring, a different set of books, online courses, classes, etc.)If you are studying on your own, move this schedule up a week and start going into week 3s material. Week 3 Begin coursework with your weakest subject (Subject A) as demonstrated by the baseline score.Learn the components of Subject A fully: types of questions asked, amount of time needed, skills required, methods of solving types of questions, knowledge tested. Acquire the knowledge necessary for this section by searching on the Internet, going through old textbooks, reading articles, etc. Week 4 Answer Subject A practice questions, reviewing answers after each one. Determine where youre making mistakes and correct your methods. Keep learning content of this section. Month 2 Week 1 Take a practice test on Subject A to determine level of improvement from baseline score.Fine-tune A by going over questions missed to determine what level of knowledge youre missing. Reread information until you know it! Week 2 Move on to next weakest subject (Subject B). Learn the components of B fully: types of questions asked, amount of time needed, skills required, methods of solving types of questions, etc.Answer Subject B practice questions, reviewing answers after each one. Determine where youre making mistakes and correct your methods. Week 3 Take a practice test on B to determine level of improvement from baselineFine tune B by going over questions missed to determine what level of knowledge youre missing. Review that material. Week 4 Move on to strongest subject/s (Subject C). Learn the components of C fully (and D and E if you have more than three sections on the test) (types of questions asked, amount of time needed, skills required, methods of solving types of questions, etc.)Answer practice questions on Subject C (D and E). These are your strongest subjects, so youll need less time to focus on them. Month 3 Week 1 Take a practice test on C (D and E) to determine level of improvement from baselineFine tune C (D and E) by going over questions missed to determine what level of knowledge youre missing. Review that material. Week 2 Take a full-length practice test, simulating the testing environment as much as possible with time constraints, desk, limited breaks, etc.Grade your practice test and cross-check every wrong answer with the explanation for your wrong answer. Determine what youve missed and what you need to do to improve. Week 3 Take another full-length practice test, simulating the testing environment again. Again, go through every missed problem, looking for weaknesses. Week 4 Review questions you have missed and answer practice questions related only to those types of questions. Study apps can help you single out these specific types of questions. Eat brain food.Get plenty of sleepReview test tips to make your test-taking more efficient.Plan some fun evenings to help you relaxThe day before the test, read through testing strategies for the exam.Pack your testing supplies the night before: an approved calculator if youre allowed to have one, sharpened #2 pencils with a soft eraser, registration ticket, photo ID, watch, snacks or drinks for breaks. Get plenty of sleep the night before, making sure you dont change your routine from your normal routine. Relax. You studied for your test and youre ready to go!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Progress Report For the dissertation (Social Media in the UK) Essay
Progress Report For the dissertation (Social Media in the UK) - Essay Example This is to primarily find out whether there is a relationship/correlation between the social media and VOD bookings in the UK. The research processes include; descriptive research, exploratory research, predictive research, and explanatory research. Explanatory research outlines an explanation of particular phenomenon/happenings while analysing its characteristics through discovery and measurement of causal relationships From the research, the data results indicated that there was a positive correlation between tweets to VOD booking. This leads to the conclusion that Twitter directly influences the VOD bookings. The more a hashtag of a VOD trends on the platform the more the VOD bookings. A hashtag is a way for prople in twitter search for the tweets that have mutual topic. The conclusion of these findings recommends that released VOD to use social media including Facebook Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube, and other platforms to promote their new released videos. Acquisition of these media platforms needs to have a good plan and be in line with the organizations goals. Media literacy has been on the rise and people in the Great Britain have gained knowledge, skills and understanding that enable them to make them most out of the opportunities presented by the new world wide web communication channels (Espley, Carpentier and Medjkoune, 2014). People have also been able to protect themselves and their families as a whole from the risks related to social media such as catfishing and also to manage the contents and communications through the media literacy. Research findings have shown that more adults in the UK, most specifically the older adults are now finding their way online by use of various devices (Gupta, Nicholson and Newman, 2012). Generally, what is observed in a number of organizations is far much less in the way contemporary social media is trifling stuff and more
Friday, November 1, 2019
Frederick Douglass ( summarize) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Frederick Douglass ( summarize) - Assignment Example bitter rivalry between the north and the south secured rights and privileges of negroes and now that the war is over propaganda threatens the rights and privileges by creating and conveying a negative image of the negroes and creating a banner that a problem, the negro problem, exist in the south. The true problem is however, the nation’s inability to defend the constitution because while Negroes from the South obey the law, whites from the North do not. They, instead, obstruct justice. The problem is the need for the government, upon recognizing citizenry of the Negroes, to protect, honor, and defend rights of the Negroes and elites from the South are the cause, people who never supported the good cause of the achieved stability and fear of Negro supremacy drives them. The supremacy can however never occur because of the upper hand that whites have in the South and even if it occurred, the constitution would regulate it. the real problem is however political and is the fear o f the Republican force from the North and people such as Montgomery have betrayed their people to suppress freedom that has been achieved through state legislation. The author notes that the struggle against the oppression may be difficult but hopes that the government will ensure justice and that the Negroes will succeed in the struggle for their rights (Douglass 1-5). Douglass, Frederick. â€Å"The race problem: Great speech of Frederick Douglass.†National Human Rights Center. October 21, 1890. Web. April 15, 2015.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Should Polygyamy be against the Law Research Paper
Should Polygyamy be against the Law - Research Paper Example This paper explores the legality of polygamy marriages, and whether the practice, should be tolerated in the society. History of Polygamy in the American society Gibson (2006) avers polygamy practices have formed a significant part of the American culture for almost three centuries. The practice is believed to have started among the ancient participants of the Church, which at the time was being led by Joseph Smith, who helped found the ministry in the early 1800s. Historians consider that Church adherents started polygamy around 1835 (Bradley, Saunders & William, 2005. The practice was initially shrouded in secrecy, before it became widespread in the society immediately after. Decades after the killing of Smith in late 1880s, the second in command of the ministry, Brigham Young, started speaking publicly about the practice during the mid-1850s. Nevertheless, participation was technically restricted by strong cultural norms, with less than a fifth of the church adherents engaging in the practice during its climax years of the 1850s (Ross, 2011). In early 1862, Congress ratified the initial of several legislations systematically geared at bringing to an end the trend by outlawing polygamy. These developments dealt the church a major financial blow, and even denying women of their voting rights in Utah. Almost two decades later, an adherent of the ministry challenged the legality of anti-polygamy legislations on religious justifications; however, the Supreme Court maintained that the unconstitutionality of polygamy was beyond doubt, and that the various government agencies could work to limit religious rights and privileges of the adherents. The congressional decrees were largely effective in terminating polygamy. This forced the Church to abandon the clamor for polygamy practices on September 25, 1890. At the same time, Church President Wilford Woodruff made public a formal statement referred to as â€Å"the Manifesto†(Bradley, Saunders & William, 2005). In 1894, Congress approved the Utah Enabling Act, which allowed Utah to begin processes aimed at acquiring the position of statehood, based upon the government constitution providing for an irrevocable decree outlawing polygamy. United States Congress approved Utah statehood two years later, a development that led to the implementation of the state constitution, which permanently outlawed polygamy practices within its jurisdiction. Additionally, polygamy was also classified as a crime by decree. After â€Å"the Manifesto,†was made public, the religious group stopped polygamy practices and started to detach polygamists from its flock. Eventually, religious factions resented the new development leading to the formation of â€Å"Fundamentalists†groups (Groleau, 2008). Bradley, Saunders and William (2005) indicate fundamentalists backed away to remote communities in an attempt to shun what they believed to be mass maltreatment. Since then, the state authorities have car ried out episodic mass apprehending and questionings on communities practicing polygamy. For instance, mass apprehending was implemented in 1935, and during the end of World War II. Arizona on its part carried out the largest crackdown yet on the community in 1953 (Cole, 2011). Although, the infamous Short Creek Raid led to the apprehending and arraignment
Monday, October 28, 2019
Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay Example for Free
Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay Anything people have made could be called technology, but usually people think of advances in using scientific knowledge and applying it to a practical use, like creating photovoltaic cells or wind turbines. Technology interested in examples of a specific technology in use, such as the internet or Decision Support Systems. Technology can solve most of our problems and everything which we are using in our live for example: radio, television, computers, internet, mobile phone, and These are called technology. We use technology in different places too for example: at home, in offices, business, shops, or so on. Different people give Different people will give it different meaning depending on their viewpoint and context. The role and impacts of technology in both our personal and lives are ever growing. Technology is about taking action to meet a human need rather than merely understanding the workings of the natural world. We can define Technology like this: A body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials; the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problems called Technology. Aim: In this study I am going to tell about the life of John: John is a engineer and he is 52 years old he has 22 years experience and he is a businessman and he use different technologies for his work and for his life he use the following technologies: E mail Mobile Phone Laptop Computer And also I am writing about the life of John which how does the technology affect on his life and how this technology change his life, because John said that 20 years ago I have not any Mobile Phone, e-mail address and Software, which I have now, and he said that since 5 years the technology has changed my life and I can not do my works without these technologies. E-mail introduction: E-mail, short for electronic mail, is a system in which a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users using a communications network. To use e-mail, you must have access to a computer that is linked to the outside world, via a modem, phone line, or fiber optic cable (Ethernet). Sending e-mail is similar to sending postal mail, with some very important differences: 1. E-mail is thousands of times faster. A message can go from Illinois to Australia in seconds! 2. E-mail is free on campus-there is no postage cost to students. 3. E-mail is not as private as a regular letter. 4. E-mail does involve learning how to use computer programs. 5. Also, E-mail requires us to have a sign-on to the electronic mail system, and this usually involves having a password, too. 6. E-mail can be sent to many people at the same time, and you can participate in on-going discussions on many subjects at the same time. 7. E-mail can access information and file libraries, well send a message and get a document or pictures back within minutes. 8. E-mail often contains typos and misspellings because it is so easy to produce and send. How/why he uses E-mail personally? John uses e-mail to send his report to the company that he is working for at the time and to send or receive photographs over the internet. Sending reports over the internet saves a lot of time and is an easier method of communicating than through the post. Before he got the internet he used the post to send the report to the company. He use the internet to inform his partners, and when he fine an offer he can send an e-mail to all of his colleague to inform those and some times he sent some maps of homes from his own e-mail to other colleague, and also he use e-mail to sent some photos and videos too, and he said: that I am not always use my e-mail to my own work I use my email for enjoying and sending messages for my Childs, wife, friends and to my families too. What is the advantages/disadvantage of e-mail? John said that E-mail Advertising, as effective as it is has both advantages and disadvantages. It is useful to be well aware of both sides of the coin as one embarks on the use of e-mail for their marketing and advertising, and he is also that the good news is that the advantages of e-mail advertising are numerous and far outweigh the few disadvantages. The advantages of e-mail which effect on his life these are in the following: 1. Its faster. He received email almost immediately after it is send, usually within minutes. 2. Its more conversational. Because of its immediacy, a whole series of e-mail messages maybe he exchanged within a very short time. As a result, email messages tend to be less formal and they are also usually shorter and more to the point. 3. Because e-mail is so new, he has no hard and fast rules about what may be said in a message. These rules are evolving because of his increased use of email, as well as the advent of new technology that continually affects how he applies it. And he also said that e-mail does not have just advantages it has disadvantages too, now I am writing about the disadvantages of e-mail which effect on John life: 1. As he has seen, one of the biggest disadvantages of email is the capability for misunderstanding. Email has some other disadvantages as well. It can be used to talk to more than one person at a time, but the means for doing so can be a bit cumbersome. At its core, email is a one to one communication medium. Email requires active participation, and he has to check his email to get messages. If he does not check his email, he will never know that somebody has contacted him. 2. Too much e-mail can lead to management problems with his in-box being overwhelmed by mail. 3. Due to its informal nature it is easy to his to ignore-unlike communication on the telephone or mail. Which things E-mail contain? * Inbox: An area in his mail memory that holds received messages that have not been read or processed. * Drafts: When he saved some documents in his e-mail address, the files and documents which he saved before he can find in Drafts. * Sent: The mails which he sent this sent item will tell him which files, letters, documents and images he sent. * Spam: Internet spam is one or more unsolicited messages, sent or posted as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantially identical content. * Trash: rubbish and worthless material that is to be disposed of. * Contacts: All his friends, families, workers and someone else that John knows them he can save all his e-mail address in contact and then can see their emails easily and early when he wants. * Calendar: We all know about meaning of Calendar, calendar is a system of organizing days for a socially, religious, commercially, or administratively useful purpose. * Notepad: Some important sentences that John want to save them Notepad is the place that he can save them all their. If John didnt have E-mail, how would it affect his job? John said: if I didnt have e-mail address then I would lose my business, because I have lots of workers in my business I can see every one and telling all of them about their jobs, so the easiest way for me is that I am sending all of them and receiving the responses of them, and also by using my mail I can sent some maps and places and directions for my workers, and I am informing them, also I am using my mails to sent and receives from my family, and friends too. Mobile Phone Introduction: A Mobile Phone (also known as a Cellular Telephone) is defined as a portable electronic device for the purpose of telecommunications over long distances. Most current mobile phones actually connect to a cellular network of base stations (the cell sites themselves) which overlap to yield coverage and which also link to the standard landline public switched telephone network. It should be noted that mobile phones are distinct from household cordless telephones which generally operate only within range of a dedicated base station (though the distinction is blurring with mobile phones that can link via Bluetooth to a home internet base station). It should be noted, however, that the term mobile phone can refer to any type of mobile telephony device and also includes satellite phones and radio phones. Most phones has camera which we can take photos, and record some videos too. How/why he uses Mobile Phone? John use mobile phones to be connect with his family, children, and wife and with his friends. And he uses his mobile phone in office and to his business to inform his workers and to be in touch with the peoples which he works. He also uses mobile phone to send videos, photos, messages for every body which he wants. He uses different things that his mobile contain and the following things his mobile phones contain: Messages, Contact, Alarm, Calendar, Fun box, Reminder, Call register, Tones, Profiles, Calculator. He uses Messages to send document and messages for his family, friend, wife and sons. He uses Alarm to wake up morning early for his job. And the calendar which his Mobile Phone contain he known that what date is today and which day is today. And his mobile phone has reminder to remind him sometimes which he forgot some works. And some times the times which he filling board he is going to Games which it mobile has and Playing some games, and his mobile phone has internet too that he can go too internet and see his mails and another things which we can do it on internet and he said that I am glad and I am filling too good cause I can solve my lots of problems with using the mobile phone. What are advantages/disadvantages of mobile phone when he use? Advantages of using mobile phone: 1. He can take it with him whom he didnt miss important calls. 2. He doesnt have telemarketers bugging him at dinner time. 3. If he has car trouble or an accident he can call for emergencies. 4. He can take the pictures of accident or any things else by his mobile phones. 5. If he is finding for somewhere he can call for directions. 6. If he goes to store and wants to buy something he can use his mobile phone for more details or for more information. 7. He can use his mobile phone to see his mails and some sides. 8. With integrated phones and their features, making his life much easier no matter what kind a profession or age a person is. 9. Mobile phone doesnt have to call, he uses his mobile phone for the following things too: camera, music player, features, emailing, document editor and so on. Disadvantage of using mobile phone: 1. John said: I had an accident, because when I was derived I talked with my wife. 2. Most of time he missed lots of important calls when he forgot his mobile somewhere. 3. His mobile phone need charges for using it, therefore this is very boring and sad for John to charge it every day. 4. When John has some meeting often his mobile phone disturbs him during his works. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John has got a new version of mobile phone called (Nokia N95), which is the most technically advanced smart phone ever! Complete with satellite navigation, a 5 mega pixel camera with auto focus, 3G video calling, with 8 GB chip, that his Nokia N95 contain. And the following things which his mobile phone includes they are most likely to fulfilling his personal needs. Some times John is recording with his phone everywhere and anything which he wants and can get images too. The Nokia N95 has almost everything else he could use them to fulfilling his needs: * Music Player with support for all common music formats. * A stereo FM radio. * Integrated hands free speaker. * Speaker independent voice dialing. * Talking ring tones. * HSDPA (the fast data transfer technology dubbed 3.5G). How good is it at fulfilling his social needs? John use his mobile phone to be always in touch with his friends, workers, families, and businessmen and another ways to develop social and communication called text which he uses most of times. Texting is particularly important in maintaining contact with a wide social network allows him to maintain social bonds even when he do not have the time, energy, inclination or budget for calls or visits. Texting re-creates the brief, frequent, spontaneous connections with members of our social network that characterized the small communities of pre industrial times. And also John hasnt always thinks about himself but he is helping people too and sometimes he teach some students in universities too for helping and some people calling him to solve their problems, and this is the easiest way for him to talk with lots of people without meets them. One of the most dangerous of mobile phone is that when he is driving some times he picked up phone and it can cause accident which he did before. How does John use mobile phone at work? Often John uses his mobile phone to be in touch with his family, friends he is not using his mobile phone at office, but he has an office phone which is called handheld mobile phone. And handheld mobile phone is working same like mobile phone but it doesnt need any chip just he connected his handheld mobile phone on socket which needs electricity and he has three of these. And this handheld mobile phone is cheaper than mobile phone when he called somewhere and John is saying that he made me too much busy therefore I cant do my works clearly and with good mind. He is using his mobile phone at office too, because some times handheld mobile phone is busy, then he uses he mobile phone he wants, and this is the biggest advantages of mobile phone. John said: when I have bought mobile phone I filled too much comfortable, and my business also day by day increasing and I have got too much money. Laptop Computer Introduction: I am writing a brief introduction about laptop computer and the kind of things which most of laptop computer (note books) contain: A laptop is a portable personal computer that is of a size that it can sit on our lap. Or we can define it like this: Laptop (or notebook PC) is a portable computer that can be battery or mains powered. They provide flexibility beyond the standard PC but often at a significant price premium. Laptop and desktop have big different and both of them are mixture words. Laptop means we sit it on our lap, and desktop means we sit it on desk. Laptop contains the following major features: * Keyboard: Keyboard layout is often sacrificed. The home, End, Page- Up and Page Down keys may not be dedicated, requiring that we hold down the Fn key at the same time. This can be very cumbersome if we use these keys a lot. Function keys and cursor keys are often made smaller, and one keyboard feels better than another. * Screen Resolution: Today, laptops use high-quality active matrix LCD screens. However, the built-in display system also feeds an external monitor for desktop use or a data projector. * External Display keyboard Connectors: Connect a full-size CRT and keyboard for home/office. Even if we like our laptop keyboard, we may want to use an external one with our external monitor, so that both units are positioned comfortably. A full-size keyboard can be connected through the external keyboard port or USB port. * Built-in Pointing Device: Either a touchpad or pointing stick is built into the laptop. There are differences. A regular mouse is always an option and connects via the mouse port or USB port. * Expansion: Expansion is a little more critical with laptops than with desktops that have extra bus slots and drive bays. However, nowadays laptops all have PC Card (PCMCIA) slots and USB ports, making them very flexible. * Batteries: Lithium ion batteries do not suffer from the memory- effect of older nickel cadmium, and to a slightly lesser extent, nickel metal hydride. * Multimedia: All laptops today have built-in speakers and generally include an optical drive (CD-RW, DVD-ROM or DVD-RW). DVD drives typically support all CD read and write modes as well. A removable drive offers more flexibility for upgrading later. * Weight: Seven pounds does not sound like much until we lug it around all day. To reduce poundage. Sub notebooks use external floppy. CD and DVD drives. One of the first time laptop in 1983, Tandys Radio Shack division launched the Model 100 micro Executive Workstation. It weighed only four pounds and included a built-in word processor, name and address list and modem. The Model 100 was inspiration for the huge portable market that followed. Laptop computers generally cost more than desktop computers with the same capabilities because they are more difficult to design and manufacture. A laptop can effectively be turned into a desktop computer with a docking station, a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral input/output devices such as a printer or larger monitor. Laptop usually comes with displays that use thin-screen technology. The thin film transistor or active matrix screen is brighter and views better at different angles than the STN or dual-scan screen. Laptops use several different approaches for integrating a mouse into the keyboard, including the touch pad, the trackball, and the pointing stick. A serial port also allows a regular mouse is attached. The PC Card is insertable hardware for adding a modem or network interface card to a laptop. CD-ROM and digital versatile disc drives may be built-in or attachable. How/why he uses laptop computer personally? After all, todays laptops have just as much computing power as desktops, without taking up as much space. He can take a laptop on the road with him to do his computing or make presentations. Perhaps he prefers comfortably working on his couch in front of the TV instead of sitting at a desk. A laptop is a full-blown, genuine computer that can do anything a desktop computer can do. John can do programming, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, accounting and multimedia presentations. The portability of laptops allows him to do many things that he cannot do with a desktop. He can write his sales proposal, article or business presentation while traveling on a plane or commuting on the bus or train or subway. What is Laptop computers memory? Laptops have memory, both RAM and ROM, just like desktops. The laptops ROM chip contains the BIOS just as it does in a desktop computer. RAM stores the application software and data files while the computer is on. RAM differs on a laptop in that it uses a different form facto that is, the size and shape of the modules that carry the RAM. Manufacturers have to build laptops to be portable (smaller) and to withstand more jostling (durable) than a desktop would ever get, so the memory modules have to be different. While some laptops use a standard Small Outland Dual Inline Memory Module (SODIMM), others use the manufacturers proprietary memory modules. Most laptops should have at least 64 MB of RAM to have sufficient memory to run operating systems and applications software. Also, some laptops allow him to upgrade the memory of his computer and come equipped with convenient access panels to plug in additional memory chips. What is Laptop computers Disk Drives? Like desktop, laptops have various disk drive storage devices. All laptops have an internal hard disk drive, usually 6 to 20 gigabytes (GB). The hard disk drive stores operating systems, application programs and data files. Although the hard disk drive works the same in a laptop as it does in a desktop, laptops generally have less disk space than desktops and he will have fewer choices for hard disk drives in laptop. The smaller hard disk space is one of the chief limitations of laptops. What are the advantages of laptop when john uses? John think when one thinks of laptops there are a few immediate advantages that come to mind. From John readings and personal experience these revolve around some of the following points: * The flexibility and mobility of laptops increases access time. * They tend to be lightweight-thus mobile. * Can easily be moved around the classroom. * Give you the option of being wireless. * Being able to have them in class away from a lab setting time management factor * Portable on field trips. * One can get instant access to information (wireless or internet connected laptops) * Access in class to multiple online resources, search engines, encyclopedias and discussion groups * Participate in virtual communities. * Ability to communicate and research at multiple levels. * Digital brainstorming, outlining and presentations can be generated within classroom walls. * Note taking, webbing which then can be shared immediately. * ; Data processing, analysis; incorporating online databases and spreadsheets. * Student with data processing can immediately check their results and develop immediate in class analysis. * It works 2 3 hours without any electricity. * It is small and has low density and can everybody bring whit themselves. * Greater ability to share, communicate and access students files or vice versa teacher assignments. * Ability to display and demonstrate leaning using a TV monitor or projector in office, or class accessing. * And our laptops have games too, which in bored time we can play their. What are the Disadvantages of laptop? * Laptops are more expensive * Slower than a desktop * Difficult to upgrade or repair * John has to lug it around all day * Much easier to drop or break * It can be easily stolen * If he speed his type the laptop will probably rock on his laptop with his typing which can become quite uncomfortable. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John recommends that laptop users carry out prolonged task with their machine set up on a desk, with an external keyboard a mouse attached. This allows them to adopt a much safer posture, rather than the position a laptop forces them into. John said: having a laptop means that I can work just about anywhere, and he also said: If I go away for the weekend, I can take my work with me, and even do some of it on the train. He uses his laptop computer to see connect it with TV and see some movies, songs, BBC and so on. What is John opinion about laptop using? John said: The use of laptop or notebook computer is widespread and many people use them regularly as part of the work process. Where a laptop is used regularly by people as a significant part of their day-to- day work, then these regulations will apply. In many cases employers will use the one-hour rule i.e. if a laptop is used continually for one hour or more than the employee will be classified as a user. There are three main categories of risk associated with laptop use: 1. Equipment design 2. The environment that they are to be used in. 3. Physical demands upon the use.
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